Our group will lead a $3M DoE award for energy sustainability. Congratulations!
Our group received the prestigious DARPA Young Faculty Award. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Dylan for winning the prestigious DoE Fellowship!
Our work entitled “Pushing the Limit of Beetle-Inspired Condensation on Biphilic Quasi-Liquid Surfaces” is published in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations!
Dylan Boylan, Deepak Monga, Li Shan, Zongqi Guo, and Xianming Dai, “Pushing the Limit of Beetle-Inspired Condensation on Biphilic Quasi-Liquid Surfaces“, Advanced Functional Materials, doi: 10.1002/adfm.202211113 (2023)
Our work entitled “Microchannel-Elevated Micromembrane for Sustainable Phase-Separation Condensation“ was published in Joule. Congratulations!
Li Shan, Zongqi Guo, Deepak Monga, Dylan Boylan, and Xianming Dai, “Microchannel-Elevated Micromembrane for Sustainable Phase-Separation Condensation“, Joule, doi: 10.1016/j.joule.2022.11.010 (2022)
Our work entitled “Hydrophilic reentrant SLIPS enabled flow separation for rapid water harvesting“ is published in PNAS. Congratulations!
Zongqi Guo, Dylan Boylan, Li Shan, and Xianming Dai, “Hydrophilic Reentrant SLIPS Enabled Flow Separation for Rapid Water Harvesting“, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (36) e2209662119 (2022). [Direct Submission]
Congratulations to our group for winning the prestigious Assistant Professor Research Award in the Jonsson School!
Congratulations to Dylan for winning the prestigious “Excellence in Education Fellowship” in the Jonsson School!
Our work entitled “Quasi-Liquid Surfaces for Sustainable High-Performance Steam Condensation“ is published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations Deepak!
Deepak Monga, Zongqi Guo, Li Shan, Seyed Adib Taba, Jyotirmoy Sarma, and Xianming Dai, “Quasi-Liquid Surfaces for Sustainable High-Performance Steam Condensation“, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1022c00401 (2022). Video