In the video
Science Magazine reported our work on “bioinspired slick method improves water harvesting”. Watch at Youtube or Youku.
New Scientist made the following video for our work on water harvesting: Fog-harvesting material pulls water from thick air. Watch at Youtube or Youku.
ACS C&EN reported our work as “Tuning surface shape and chemistry lets hydrophilic materials shed clingy water droplets”!
ACS Nano invited us to submit a video about our work entitled “Slippery Wenzel State”! Watch at Youtube or Youku.

NSF Science360 explained our work of “Slippery Wenzel State”. Watch from Youtube or Youku.

CCTV, the largest television broadcaster in China, reported our work of “Slippery Wenzel State”. Youtube or Youku.

In the news
Water harvesting gets rough and slippery: Science360 Top Story of the Day.
Slippery microgrooves help harvest fog: ACS C&EN.
Bioinspired slick method improves water harvesting: Science Magazine, EurekAlert (AAAS), UT Dallas News, Domain-B.
Bioinspired surface harvests water from thin air: ZME Science.
Beetles and Plants Inspire Efficient Water-Harvesting Technology: The University Network.
Microengineered slippery rough surface for water harvesting from air: National Science Foundation, Science Daily, Nanowerk, Penn State News.
Sticky yet slick material pulls water from foggy or humid air: New Scientist.
Combining Nature’s Best Ideas Could Improve Water Harvesting Further: IFLSCIENCE.
Slippery Rough Surface Inspired by Pitcher Plant and Rice Leaves for Harvesting Water: AZO Materials.
Slippery rough surface engineered for harvesting water effectively: XINHUA NET.
Liquid-repellent surface maximizes water harvest and transport: Phys.Org.
A Slippery Solution for Water Harvesting: Engineering 360.
Slippery-Rough Surface Can Harvest Water From Air: Courthouse News.
News from China (in Chinese)
科研人员开发出既“亲水”又“疏水”的高效集水材料:新华网 (新华社),新浪看点,新浪新闻,搜狐科技.
An engineered surface unsticks sticky water droplets: Featured in NSF Science360 as the top story of the day.
“Newly engineered surface can repel liquids in any state of wetness”: NSF Multimedia Galley.
“An engineered surface unsticks sticky water droplets”: Penn State News, Science Daily, Phys.Org, US News, Nanowerk, Global People Daily News, e! Science News, EurekAlert (AAAS), myScience, Science and Technology Research News, SciFeeds, Space Daily, Wind Daily, Sino Daily, ECN Magazine,,Water Online, Lockerdome, USAgNet, Edu Lab Technology, Chemistry News, CytoFluidix, TG Technology, Space War, Terra Daily, Bio Fuel Daily, Saturn Daily, News Fiber, Nanotechnology Now.
“A New Coating that Out-Does the Liquid-Repelling Properties of a Lotus Flower”: World Industrial Reporter.
“Researchers Have Found A Better Way To Engineer Non-Stick Surfaces For Sticky Water Droplets”: Tech Times.
“Engineered surface unsticks sticky water droplets”: R&D Magzine, Design Products & Applications,
“Even ‘Sticky’ Liquid Won’t Stick To This Surface”: Science Beta, Futurity, Theallineed.
“New Super Slippery Surface Better Than Nature’s”: Technovelgy.
“Not even the stickiest of liquids can stick to this new coating”: RedOrbit.
“Special Surface Repels Liquids in Any State of Wetness”: Controlled Environments Magazine.
News from the other countries
Innovation Toronto, ChemEurope, Iran Daily, China Daily, People’s Daily, XinHua Net, Science and Technology Daily, et al.
“Single molecule detection of contaminants, explosives or diseases now possible”: Penn State News, Science Daily, Phys.Org, Nanowerk, R & D Magazine, E Science News.
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