Lyman, Gregory D., 1997, Terrain mapping by reflectorless
laser rangefinding systems for inner zone terrain
Xu, Xueming, PhD, 2000, 3D Virtual Geology; photorealistic
outcrops and their acquistion, visualization and analysis,
PhD diss.
Akingbade A. Akinfenwa, MS GIS, 2005, Extraction of 3D data by
several methods for the building of a 3D model in ARCGIS:
Laser Scanning, direct laser rangefinder measurements and
Pictometry, MSGIS project, UTDallas.
Stephen F. Meigs Jr, MS GIS, 2006,Three-Dimensional Subsurface
Modeling Utilizing Petra Software.
Anne Hayden Covault, MS, 2006, Structural Architecture and
Deformation of the Salina Creek Tunnel Normal Fault.
MS thesis, UT-Dallas.
John Thurmond, PhD, 2006, Applications Of Three-Dimensional
Mapping In Sedimentology: Collection, Visualization, And
Interpretation., UT-Dallas diss.
M. Iulia Olariu, PhD, 2007, Development And Testing Of Methods
For Analyzing High Resolution 3-D Digital Outcrop Geology:
Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas, 119p.
WORLDS, 139p White, Lionel S,. 2010.
Xu, X., Aiken, C., Neilsen, K. S., 1999, “Real Time and the
Virtual Outcrop Improve Geological Field Mapping”,
Transactions of The American Geophysical Union, EOS,
v. 80, p. 322-324.
Hare, J., Ferguson, J., Aiken, C. L. V. and Oldow, J 2001,
Journal of Geophysical Research, “Quantitative
Characterization and Elevation Estimation of Lake
Lahonton Shoreline Terraces from High Resolution Digital
Elevation Models”, v.106, p.26761-26774.
Xu, X., Aiken, C., Bhattacharya, J. P., Corbeanu, R. M.,
Nielsen, K. C., McMechan, G. A. and Abdelsalam, M. G.
2000, “Creating Virtual 3D Outcrop,” Leading Edge, Soc.
of Exploration Geophysicists, February, p.197-202.
Xu, X., Bhattacharya, J., Davies, R. K., and Aiken, C. L. V.,
2001, “Digital Geologic Mapping of the Ferron Sandstone,
Muddy Creek, Utah with GPS and lasers” GPS Solutions,
V.5, No.1, John Wiley, p. 23-32.
Zeng, X., McMechan, G.A., Bhattacharya, J.P., Aiken, C.L.V.,
Xu, X., Hammon III, W.S., and Corbeanu, R.M, 2005,
Geophysical Prospecting,. 3-D imaging of a reservoir
analog in point bar deposits in the Ferron sandstone,
Utah using ground-penetrating radar, Geophysical
rospecting 52 (3), 151–163.
Olariu, C., Bhattacharya, J. P., Xu, X., Aiken, C.L.V., Zeng,
X., and McMechan, G. A., 2005, Integrated study of
ancient delta front deposits, using outcrop, ground
penetrating radar and three dimension photorealistic
data: Cretaceous Panther Tongue sandstone, Utah. in:
J.P.Bhattacharya and L. Giosan (eds.) River Deltas:
Concepts, Models and Examples. SEPM Special Publication
Thurmond, J., Loseth, T., Rivenaes, R., Martinsen, O., Xu, X.
and Aiken., C., 2005, Deep-Water Outcrops of the World
Atlas: ed. By T. Nilsen., R. Shew, G. Steffens, and J.
Studlick, Tulsa, OK: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Special Publication.CD-ROM.
Olariu, J., Bhattacharya, X. Xu, C, Aiken, X. Zeng, and G.
McMechan, 2005, Using Outcrop Data in the 21st Century –
New methods and applications, with example from the Ainsa
Turbidite System, Ainsa, Spain, Integrated study of
ancient delta front deposits, using outcrop, ground
penetrating radar and three dimension photorealistic
data: Cretaceous Panther Tongue sandstone, Utah, River
Deltas: Concepts, Models and Examples J.P.Bhattacharya
and L. Giosan (eds.). Tulsa, SEPM Special Publication 83.
Oldow, John S.; Walker, J. Douglas; Aiken, Carlos L. V.;
Xu, Xueming, 2006, Digital Acquisition, Analysis, and
Visualization in the Earth Sciences Eos, Transactions
American Geophysical Union, Volume 87, Issue 35,
p. 351- 351.
Olariu, Mariana I., Ferguson, John F., Aiken, Carlos L.V.
and Xu, Xueming, 2008, Outcrop fracture characterization
using terrestrial laser scanners: Deep-water Jackfork
sandstone at Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas Geosphere;
February; v. 4; no. 1; p. 247 – 259.
Alfarhan, Mohammed, Tuck, Dean, White, Lionel, Aiken, Carlos,
2008, LaserRangefinders and ArcGIS Combined With 3d
Photorealistic Modeling For Mapping Outcrops In The
Slick Hills, Oklahoma, Geosphere e- v. 4; no. 3;
p. 576 – 587.
Aiken, C., Alfarhan, M., White, L., and Abdelsalam, M, 2009,
Three-Dimensional Globally-Accessed Monuments Experiment
(3D-GAME): The UT Dallas – Missouri S&T Effort, Point
Virtual Systems and Multi Media 2008 Conference Workshop
Volume”Heritage in the Digital Era”, Multi-Science
Publishers, London. P 119-129.
Aiken, C. and others, VLBI-GPS Geospatial Registration,
in press, TLS Workshop 8-10 September, 2008, NASA
GoddardSpace Flight Center, NASA, Eos.
Valcik, N., Aiken C.L.V., Xu, X., Alfarhan, Mohammed S., 2009,
Cutting Edge Information and Virtual Technologies for
Homeland Security in the 21st Century, to International
Perspectives On Crime And Justice, Chapter Twenty One,
Edited by K. Jaishankar Ph.D.Published by
Serials Publications, New Delhi, p. 476-509.
Aiken, C., Xu, X., Balde, M., and Lyman, G., 1996,
Availability of Digital Geologic Databases, in
Geological/Geophysical Framework of Southeast Asia,
D. Misener, S. Reford and C. Aiken, 2nd Annual Southeast
Asian Mining Conference and Exhibition Proceedings,
Toronto, Canada, 20p.
Nielsen, K. C., Aiken, C. L. V., and Xu, X., “Digital Mapping
Methods: Accurate Digital Data Capture and Analysis for
the Field Geoscientist,” GSA Continuing Educational
Manual,Geological Society of America, 119 p., 1999.
Xu, X. and Aiken, C., Using GPS and reflectorless laser
rangefinder for surveying grids and geological mapping
at Corbula Gulch, Utah, UT-Dallas Geophysical
Consortium Proceedings, 1999.
Xu, X. and Aiken C.L.V., Using GPS and reflectorless laser
rangefinder for surveying grids and geological mapping
at Corbula Gulch, Utah, UT-Dallas Geophysical
Consortium Proceedings, 2000.
Nielsen, K. C., Aiken, C. L. V., and Xu, X., Digital Mapping
Methods: Accurate Digital Data Capture and Analysis for
the Field Geoscientist, GSA Continuing Educational
Manual, Geological Society of America, 119 p., 2000.
Corbeanu, H., Brikowski, T. and Aiken, C, 2000, “Landslide
Monitoring in Romania,” GPS World, March, p38-42.
ION-GPS Meeting, September, 8p.
Invited presentations
UNAM, Instituto de Geofisica y Geologia, Mexico City, Mexico,
Digital methods of geologic mapping, April, 2000.
ExxonMobil Corp., Houston, TX, one-day seminar/training
course, 3D Virtual geology acqusition and analysis,
March, 2000.
Norsk Hydro Oil, Bergen, Norway, 5 day training course,
Digital geologic data acquisition and analysis, 2000.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting,
New Orleans, LA, Exhibition on ;3D virtual geology,
Center for Lithospheric Studies, April, 2000.
Geospatial Information and Technology Association, Houston,
TX, Digital Data Acquisition using lasers and GPS,
March 2000.
3D Virtual Earth Models by GPS integrated with laser
rangefinders and close-in oblique digital Photography,
Dept. of Geosciences, San Diego State University,
Oct., 2001
Scientists Helping America Conference, Dept. of Defense,
Special Operations Command, Arlington,
Va, March 11-13, 2002.
Virtual Geology:Acquisition and Analysis, Univ. of Idaho,
Demonstration and Seminar, Moscow, Idaho,
Oct. 9-12, 2002.
3D Photorealistic Models of Geology: Examples in the US,
Spain and Mexico of Virtual Geology for Analysis,
Interpretation and Virtual Field Trips,
ChevronTexaco Geology Forum, Galveston, TX,
Oct. 15, 2002. (with X. Xu)
Scientists Helping America Conference, Dept. of Defense,
Special Operations Command, Arlington, VA,
March 11-13, 2002.
Virtual Geology: Acquisition and Analysis, Univ. of Idaho,
Demonstration and Seminar, Moscow, Idaho, Oct. 9-12, 2002.
3D Photorealistic Models of Geology: Examples in the US,
Spain and Mexico of Virtual Geology for Analysis,
Interpretation and Virtual Field Trips, ChevronTexaco Geology
Forum, Galveston, TX, Oct. 15, 2002.
3D Virtual Geology, NSF EarthScope Complementary Geophysics
Workshop, Carlos Aiken, Denver, Colorado March, 2003.
3D photorealistic Geology, Carlos Aiken and Xueming Xu,
Denver, CO, NSF Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure(CI)
for the Integrated Solid Earth Sciences (ISES),
March, 2003. 2003 DLESE Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO
3D Virtual Geology by integrated lasers, cameras and GPS,
Carlos Aiken, Boise, Idaho, NSF Workshop on Development
of a Cyberinfrastructure for Research and Education
in Structural Geology, October, 2003.
Use of fast laser scanners, gps and digital photography to
create a virtual world, Carlos Aiken and Xueming Xu,
Rowlett, TX, City of Rowlett. GPS Training and Product
Demonstration, May, 2003.
Mobile utility gps mapping of the city of Rowlett
infrastructure utilizing laser offsets, Cody Cantrell
and Carlos.
Aiken, City of Rowlett GPS Training and Product Demonstration,
May, 2003.
The Use of Ground-Based Laser Scanners, GPS and Digital
Cameras to Rapidly Create 3D Virtual Models, Carlos
Aiken, Houston, TX, ExxonMobil Upstream Co.,
September, 2003.
Laser/photo realistic scanning and modeling along two railroad
cuts along the Brazos integrated with conventional
geological interpretation of Karen Steele, Carlos Aiken,
Mineral Wells, TX, AEG-Texas Summer Field Trip,
July, 2003.
3D digital mapping and visualization, Carlos Aiken Xueming Xu,
Moscow, Idaho, Geology Seminar Series, Univ. of Idaho,
March, 2003.
3D Virtual Geology, Carlos Aiken and Xueming Xu, Lawrence,
Kansas, NSF Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure(CI)for the
Integrated Solid Earth Sciences, March, 2003,
Univ. of Kansas.
Virtual 3D Geology: The Virtual Field Trip Is Here, Carlos
Aiken and Xueming Xu, Austin, TX, Annual Association of
Engineering Geologists/American Institute of
Professional Geologists (AEG/AIPG) Spring Symposium
Engineering, Environmental, Hydrologic, Resource
and Research Geology, April, 2003.
Mobile utility GPS mapping of the City of Rowlett
infrastructure utilizing laser offsets: Final Report,
City of Rowlett, May 2003.
2003 DLESE (Digital Library of Earth Science Education) Annual
Meeting, Carlos Aiken, Boulder, CO. July, 2003.
Acquisition and Use of Virtual Geologic Models,2004,
Northfield, MN, NSF National Association of Geology
Teachers, Cutting Edge Visualization Workshop.
The Use of Ground-Based Laser Scanners, GPS and Digital
Cameras to Rapidly Create 3D Virtual Models, Houston,
TX, ExxonMobil Upstream Corp.
Photorealistic Capture and 3D Modeling: The Virtual World,
Carlos, 2005, Houston, TX, Shell Oil USA Corp., Geowall
demo and seminar.
Rapid Site Capture In 3d At High Accuracy With Fast Laser
Scanners, 2005, Carrolton, TX, Conestoga Engineers,
Geowall demo and seminar.
Virtual Fieldtrips in Geology, 2005, Plano, Tx, Plano Campus,
Collin County Community College, Geowall demo and
lectures to Earth Sciences Course.
Virtual Fieldtrips in Geology, 2005, McKinney, TX, McKinney
Campus, Collin County Community College, Geowall demo
and lectures to Earth Sciences Course.
Photorealistic Capture and 3D Modeling, 2005, Irving, TX ,
Pioneer Resources, Geowall demo and seminar.
Close Range Laser Scanning and Photography, 2005, Baltimore,
MD, Geospatial Applications to Antarctic Research
Workshop Seminar and workshop.
Photorealistic Capture and 3D Modeling: The Virtual World
3D Scanning, 2005, Houston TX, SPAR 2005 Conference
and Exhibition.
Color from Real Photos Applied to Laser Scanning, 2005,
Dallas TX, Dallas Rapid Transit, DART Seminar Series
UTD Virtual Mapping Program:Photorealistic Capture and
3D Modeling, 2006, ExxonMobil Research Lab, Houston, TX,
Aiken, Carlos, 2006, 3D Virtual Models of Geology by Accurate
Mapping of Photography onto Surfaces, invited,
University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Missouri.
Photorealistic Capture and 3D Modeling: The Virtual World,
2006, Pioneer Resources, Dallas, TX.
Laser Scanning with Color: the Creation and Use of 3D, 2006,
Carlos Aiken,Xueming Xu, Bobbie Neubert.
Photo real virtual odels with presentations in 3D stereo,
2006, Texas Society of Professional Surveyors,
Dallas Training on digital geologic mapping, Univ.
of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
Carlos Aiken, Xueming Xu, Mohammed Alfarhan, 2006,Virtual
Mapping: Photo Real Capture and 3D Modeling, 2006.
GEON April 6-8 GEON Workshop to Identify Ground-Based Digital
Acquisition, Analysis, and Visualization Needs of the
Geological Science Community, Univ. of California at
San Diego, San Diego, CA.
UTD Virtual Mapping Program: Photorealistic Capture and 3D
Modeling,2006, ExxonMobil Research Lab, Houston, TX.
3D Virtual Models of Geology by Accurate Mapping of
Photography onto Surfaces, University of
Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, 2007, Missouri.
Photorealistic Capture and 3D Modeling The Virtual World,2007,
Pioneer Resources, Dallas, TX.
Laser Scanning with Color: the Creation and Use of 3D Photo
real virtual models with presentations in 3D stereo,
2007, Texas Society of Professional Surveyors,
Dallas, TX.
Aiken, C., Alfarhan, M., White, L., and Abdelsalam, M,
Three-Dimensional Globally-Accessed Monuments
Experiment (3D-GAME): The UT Dallas – Missouri S&T
Effort Joint Effort, Virtual Systems and Multi Media
Conference, Lemasol, Cyprus.
Aiken, C., VLBI-GPS Geospatial Registration, TLS Workshop
8-10 September, 2008, NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center, NASA.
Oldow, J S, Alfarhan, M, White, L S, Ahmed, T, Alvarado,
M I, Cline, J, Shilpakar, P, Aiken, C L,
“Monitoring Growth of the Daisetta, Texas Sinkhole
With Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Close Range Digital
Photography,9and GPS”, 2008.
AGU Fall Meeting 15-19 December 2008, San Francisco,
California. “Monitoring Growth of the Daisetta,
Texas Sinkhole With Terrestrial Laser Scanning,
Close Range Digital Photography,and GPS”, Houston
Geological Society and Association of Engineering and
Environmental Geologists, Daisetta Sinkhole Fieldtrip,
Diasetta, Houston., 2009.
Four Lectures on 3D Photorealistic geologic modeling,
Saudi ARAMCO, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia,2009.
Xu, C Aiken KC Nielsen, J Bhattacharya, R Corbeanu, M. Balde,
R. Davies, H Corbeanu, M Wizevich and GA McMechan,
The digital geologic mapping of the Ferron Sandstone,
Utah, by the Integration of GPS, Laser rangefinders,
cameras and G.I.S. [cybercapture], Abstract, Presented
at Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Toronto, Canada, 1998.
Xu, X., Aiken, C. L. V., Corbeanu, R., Bhattacharya, J., Zeng,
X., McMechan, G. A.,”3D Geological Model by Digital
Mapping of Corbula Gulch Ferron Sandstone, Utah”, GSA,
Denver, CO.Geol. Soc. of Americ, Denver, CO., 1999.
Nielsen, K. C., Xu, X., Aiken, C. L., AbdelSalam, M. G.,
“Digital Mapping of Stratigraphic Geometries:
Issues and Examples of Practical Implementation.”,
GSA, Denver, CO., 1999.
Aiken, C. L. V., Xu, X., Nielsen, K. C., “The Case History
of Digital Mapping of a Road Cut: The Dakota Group
Along I-70 West of Denver.” GSA, Denver., 1999.
De la Fuente, M. F. and Aiken, C. L. V., “Geometria en la
Vaja de Plata,” Reunion International de Mineria
Zacatecas Siglo XXI, Zacatecas, Mexico, 1999.
Nielsen, K. C, Xu, X., Aiken, C., and Abdelsalam, M. G.,
“Digital Mapping Systems: Electronic Data Capture
and Analysis for Field Studies, International
Conference in the Western Desert of Egypt: Geological
Environment and Development Potentials,”
Cairo, Egypt., 2000.
Bhattacharya, J.P., Endresen, J., Xu., X., and Aiken,
C.L.V., 2000, Using GPS and lasers to map subtle
structures that control positions of reservoir
sandstones in foreland basins, Amer. Assoc.
Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans,
LA, 2000.
Xu, X. and Aiken, 2001, 3D Virtual Earth Models by GPS
Integrated with Laser Rangefinders and Oblique Close-in
Digital Photography, ION-GPS Meeting, September.
Chen, T., Ferguson, J., Aiken, C., Siebert, J., Hare, J.,
Brady, J., 2001, High-Accuracy GPS and Gravity Surveys
in North Slope, Alaska: ION-GPS Meeting, Salt Lake
City, September.
Olariu, C., Bhattacharya, J., Ge, R., Xu, X., Aiken, C.,
Marcy, F., Zeng, X., McMechan, G.A., and Neubert,
B.N., 2001, Study of terminal distributary channels
in fluvial dominated delta from using ground penetrating
radar and digital mapping techniques, Cretaceous
Panther Tongue Sandstone, Utah, USA, AAPG Annual Meeting
Cornel Olariu, Xueming Xu, Carlos L.V. Aiken, Bobbie J.
Neubert, Rui Ge, Janok P. Bhattacharya, 2002, Digital
mapping of outcrops, techniques for building 3-D
geometries of bedding surfaces. Example from the
Cretaceous Panther Tongue sandstone, East-Central Utah,
Abstract, Official Program, American Assoc. Pet. Geol.
Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, P. A-133.
Thurmond, John B., Aiken, Carlos L.V., and Xu, Xueming, 2002,
three dimensional mapping of outcrop geology: Case
studies in siliciclastics, carbonates and structure
Abstract, Geol. Soc. America Annual Meeting Program,
Denver, CO, p.96.
Olariu, Mariana, Xu, Xueming, Abdel-salam, Mohamed, Aiken,
CLV, and Ammann, Larry, 2002, Ground based remote
sensing techniques integrated with close range, oblique
derived 3D digital models of Jackfork turbidites, Big
Rock Quarry, Arkansas, Abstract, Denver, CO, Geol.
Soc. America Annual Meeting Program, Denver, CO, p.160.
Bhattacharya, Janok, Aiken, Carlos, Corbeanu, Rucsandra,
McMechan, George, Xu, Xueming, Zeng, Xiaoxian, and White,
Christopher, 2002, 3-D outcrop reservoir
characterization, Abstract, Official Program, American
Assoc. Pet. Geol. Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas,
p.A-18. (Frank Kottlowski Memorial Award (best paper” ))
J.S. Oldow, D.S. Lewis, J. K. Campbell, L. Ferranti, B.
D’Argenio and E. Marsella, G. Pappone, C.L.V. Aiken,
R. Catalano, and L. Carmignani, 2002,
Active Microplate Deformation and Crustal Delamination
in the Southern Circum-Tyrrhenian region, Italy: GPS
Velocities from the Peri-Tyrrhenian Deformation Geonet,
American Geophys. Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA
Oldow, J S, Lewis, DS, Campbell, JK, Ferranti, L., D’Argenio,
B., Marsella, E., Pappone, G., Aiken, C., Catalano, R.,
Carmignani, L., 2002, Active Microplate Deformation and
Crustal Delamination in the Circum-Tyrrhenian Region,
Italy, Abstract, European Geophysical Society Annual
Meeting, Budapest, Hungary.
Lewis, LS, Oldow, J S, Ferranti, L., D’Argenio, B., Pappone,
G., and Maschio, L., and Aiken, CLV, 2002, Abstract,
Active Extension and Contraction in the Southern
Apennines Orogenic Belt, Italy Derived from GPS
Velocities of the Peri-Tyrrhenian Deformation Geonet,
American Geophys. Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA
Lewis, LS, Oldow, JS, Ferranti, L., D’Argenio, B., Pappone,
G., and Maschio, L., and Aiken, CLV, 2002, Active
extension and contraction in the Southern Apennines
orogenic belt, Italy, Abstract, European Geophysical
Society Annual Meeting, Budapest, Hungary.
Aiken, C., 2003, 3D Virtual Geology for Education, Boulder,
CO, NSF Digital Library for Earth System Education
Annual Meeting, August, 2003.
Olariu ,M., X. Xu, A. Mohamed, C. Aiken, and L. Ammann,
2003, The Use Of Oblique Close-Range Multi-Spectral
Imagery In Digital 3-D Mapping Of The Jackfork
Turbidites At Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas, Seattle, WA,
October, 2003, Geological Society of America Annual
Aiken, C., X. Xu, and J. Oldow, 2003, Lidar/photorealistic
geospatial reference system for an investigation of the
biocomplexity of extreme environments, Mickey Hot
Springs, Alvord Desert, southeastern Oregon, Seattle,
WA, October, 2003, Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting.
Abdelsalam, M., X. Xu and C. Aiken, 2003, Web-Residing 3D
Virtual Geology For Teaching Earth Sciences For All
Levels: The Virtual Fieldtrip, Seattle, WN, October,
2003, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Oldow, J., X. Xu, and C. Aiken, 2003, Ground-Based Lidar
Imaging And Surface Analysis Of Late Pleistocene
Faulting Southeastern Oregon, Seattle, WN, October,
2003, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Xu, X., C. Aiken, 2003, Laser-Based 3D Geologic Mapping,
From Feature Tracing To Photorealistic Outcrops: An
Overview With Case Histories, Seattle, WN, October,
2003, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Aiken, C., 2003, 3D Virtual Geology for Education, Carlos
Aiken, Boulder, CO, NSF Digital Library for Earth
System Education Annual Meeting, August, 2003.
Xu, X., Carlos L. V. Aiken, and John Thurmond, 2004,
Integration of New 3D Photorealistic Outcrop Mapping
with a Previous Reservoir Characterization Study,
American Assoc. of Exploration Geologists Programs with
Abstracts, Dallas, TX.
Lee, K., M. R. Gani, X. Zeng, G. A. McMechan, W. R. Griffin,
D. N. Sultana, J. P. Bhattacharya, C. L. V. Aiken,
X. Xu, 2004, GPR Survey of a Delta Front Reservoir
Analog, The Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation,
Wyoming, U.S.A, American Assoc. of Exploration
Geologists Programs with Abstracts, Dallas, TX.
Olariu, M. U., Xueming Xu, and Carlos L.V. Aiken, 2004,
Development of Analysis Techniques of Close-in 3-D
Photorealistic Mapping: Deepwater Turbidite Deposits
at Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas American Assoc. of
Exploration Geologists Programs with Abstracts,
Dallas, TX.
Martinsen, O., Tore M Loseth, John Thurmond, Trond Lien,
Xueming Xu, and Carlos Aiken, 2004, Beyond Outcrop
Visualization: Building Reservoir and Depositional
Models in a CAVE Environment American Assoc. of
Exploration Geologists Programs with Abstracts,
Dallas, TX.
Xueming Xu, Carlos L. V. Aiken, and John Thurmond, 2003,
Integration of New 3D Photorealistic Outcrop Mapping
with a Previous Reservoir Characterization Study,
American Assoc. of Exploration Geologists Programs with
Abstracts, Dallas, TX.
X. Xu and C.L.V. Aiken, 2005, Acquisition, Visualization
and Analysis of Photo Real 3D Virtual Geology at High
Accuracy: Data Acquisition From the Ground With Digital
Cameras, Terrestrial Laser Scanners and GPS American
Geophysical Union; Session on Geodetic Laser Scanning:
Space, Airborne, and Ground San Francisco,
CA (December 12, 2005).
Tuck, Dean; Xu, Xueming; Thurmond, John; Gillespie, Paul;
Farseth, Roald; Aiken, Carlos. 2005, Capturing Digital
Field Data to create 3D Photorealistic Outcrop Models
of the Structure in the Lower Jurassic Interbedded
Pelagic Limestones and Marls of the Lias Formation
near Kilve, Somerset, England. GSA South Central
Sectional Meeting, San Antonio, TX. GSA Abstract with
Program 37, No. 3.
Carlos Aiken, Xueming Xu, Mohammed Alfarhan, 2006,Virtual
Mapping: Photo Real Capture and 3D Modeling, 2006.
GEON April 6-8 GEON Workshop to Identify Ground-Based
Digital Acquisition, Analysis, and Visualization Needs
of the Geological Science Community, Univ. of
California at San Diego, San Diego, CA.
Dean Tuck, Carlos Aiken, Xueming Xu., 2006, The digital
classroom of tomorrow: Incorporating digital geology
and Cybermapping into the undergraduate geosciences
curriculum.Annual GSA Conference, Philadelphia,
October 2006. GSA Abstracts with Programs
Vol. 38, No. 7.
Dean Tuck, Carlos Aiken, Xueming Xu, 2006, Developing and
utilizing virtual outcrops in undergraduate courses
and a call to create and inter-university exchange
program of “Virtual Outcrops. Penrose Conference:
“Unlocking 3D Earth Systems – Harnessing New Digital
Technologies to Revolutionize Multi-Scale Geologic
Models.” Durham, UK. September 2006.
Thurmond, J., 2006, Five years of 3D outcrop analysis:
The past, the present, and the future, Penrose
Conference:”Unlocking 3D Earth Systems – Harnessing New
Digital Technologies to Revolutionize Multi-Scale
Geologic Models.” Durham, UK. September 2006.
David Hunt, John Thurmond, Gunnar Halvorsen, Toni. Simo,
Jana Van Alstine, Gemma Labrana de Miguel, Carlos Aiken,
2006, Development of an integrated outcrop dataset for
fractured and karsted carbonate reservoir analogues
using photorealistic models: The Permian Capitan
Platform, Guadalupe Mountains, USA, Penrose Conference:
“Unlocking 3D Earth Systems – Harnessing New Digital
Technologies to Revolutionize Multi-Scale Geologic
Models.” Durham, UK.
Carlos Aiken and Xueming Xu, 2006, 3D Virtual Models of
Geology by Accurate Mapping of Photography onto Surfaces,
Penrose Conference: “Unlocking 3D Earth Systems –
Harnessing New Digital Technologies to Revolutionize
Multi-Scale Geologic Models.” Durham, UK. September
Alfarhan, M., Aiken, C. and Xu, X., 2006, The use of a laser
rangefinder attached to a pocket PC to capture and
analyze 3D digital geologic data in the field– a case
study – Preston Railroad Cut, Texas. Penrose Conference:
“Unlocking 3D Earth Systems – Harnessing New Digital
Technologies to Revolutionize Multi-Scale Geologic
Models.” Durham, UK. September
Olariu, I., Ferguson, J. and Aiken, C., 2006, Outcrop
Fracture Characterization using terrestrial laser
scanners, deepwater Jackfork Sandstone at Big Rock
Quarry, Arkabsas, Penrose Conference: “Unlocking 3D
Earth Systems – Harnessing New Digital Technologies to
Revolutionize Multi-Scale Geologic Models.”
Durham, UK. September.
Mulcare,D., Roman, D. Brozena, J., Childres, V., Lyle, S.
Jeffress, G., Prouty, D., Sadovski, D., Smith, R.,
Aiken, and Guitierrez,R., 2007, Naval Research
Laboratory Gulf of Mexico Geoid Model Texas Reference
Center Pilot Project, Eos Trans. AGU,88(23),
Jt. Assem. Suppl.
Oldow, John S., Aiken, Carlos L. V., Walker, J. Douglas,
Arrowsmith, J., 2007, Building The Interface Facility
For Centimeter-Scale, 3d Digital Field Geology
Geoinformatics 2007 Conference, Paper No. 3-6,
Univ. of California
Burnham, Brian, S., Tuck, Dean, Biholar, Alex, Cording,
Marie, White, Lionel, Alfarhan, Mohammed, Aiken,
Carlos, and Oldow, John, 2007, Capture and construction
of photorealistic 3D geologic models of the
Pennsylvanian Hartshorne sandstone of Huckleberry
Creek spillway in central Arkansas: Geological Society
of America Abstracts with Programs,
v. 39, 58-25, p. 165.
Biholar, Alex, Tuck, Dean, Burnham, Brian, S., Cording,
Margie, White, Lionel, Alfarhan, Mohammed, Aiken,
Carlos, and Oldow, John, 2007, Educational applications
of photorealistic 3D modeling when applied to a meander
point bar sequence of the Pennsylvanian Hartshorne
Formation at the Huckleberry Creek Spillway, Arkansas:
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
v. 39, 56-4, p. 153.
Alfarhan, Mohammed, and Aiken, Carlos, 2007, Real Time
Integration Of Laser Rangefinders And Arcgis To Capture
3d Geology Features, 17th Annual South Central Arc User
Group (SCAUG) Conference, 11-13 April 2007,
New Orleans, Louisiana.
Alfarhan, Mohammed S., White, Lionel, And Aiken, Carlos,
2007, “Capturing, Visualizing, And Analyzing Geological
Outcrops With 3d Laser Rangefinders And Terrestrial
Laser Scanners And Digital Camera”, the 28th Asian
Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), 12-16 November
2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Alfarhan, Mohammed S., White, Lionel, and Aiken, Carlos,
2007, “Capturing, Visualizing And Analyzing Outcrops
in 3D Using Laser Rangefinders Integrated With Arcgis”,
GSA Denver Annual Meeting, 28–31 October 2007,
Denver, Colorado.
Ahmed, Tarig M., White, Lionel S. Jr, Alfarhan, Mohammed,
and Aiken, Carlos, 2007, “Digital Close Range
Photogrammetry as Part of A Terrestrial Based Digital
Geologic Mapping Program”, 2007 GSA Denver Annual
Meeting, 28–31 October, Denver, Colorado.
Prouty, D B, Lyle, S D,: Roman, D R, Mulcare, D M, Jeffress,
G, Sadovski, A,: Aiken, C L, Smith,R, Childers, V A,
and AU: Brozena, J M, 2007, Naval Research Laboratory
Gulf of Mexico Geoid Model Texas Reference Center
Pilot Project, 2007 Joint Assembly Eos Trans. AGU,
88(23), Joint. Assem. Supplement., Abstract G32A-05.
Aiken, Aiken, Carlos, Alfarhan, Mohammed, White, Lionel,
Ahmed, Tarig, Wang Miao,Prabin Shilpakar, M. Iris
Alvarado, Analyzing 3D Virtual Models built with
Terrestrial LiDAR: Now that I have it what do I do
with it?, 2008, UNAVCO Science Workshop, 11-13 March,
2008, Boulder, Colorado.
Biholar, Alex, Burnham, Brian S., Aiken, Carlos, White,
Lionel, and Alfarhan, Mohammed S., 2008,”Spatially
Analyzed Photorealistic 3d Models And Their Application
To Teaching In The Geosciences. Case Study: The Meander
Point Bar Sequence Of the Pennsylvanian Hartshorne
Formation at the Huckleberry Creek Spillway
Arkansas”, 2008, GSA South-Central Section –
42nd Annual Meeting. 30 March – 1 April, 2008, Hot
Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Alvarado, M. Iris, Alfarhan, Mohammed, White, Lionel S. Jr,
and Aiken, Carlos L.V., 2008,”Geois: A Software To
Facilitate Teaching Geosciences K-12″, 2008, GSA
South-Central Section – 42nd Annual Meeting. 30
March – 1 April, 2008, Hot Springs Convention Center,
Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Burnham, Brian S., Biholar, Alex, Aiken, Carlos, White,
Lionel, and Alfarhan, Mohammed S., 2008,”Digital Spatial
Analysis Of Photorealistic 3d Geologic Models Of
The Pennsylvanian Hartshorne Sandstone Sequence Of
Huckleberry Creek Spillway In Central Arkansas”, 2008,
GSA South-Central Section – 42nd Annual Meeting.
30 March – 1 April, 2008, Hot Springs Convention
Center, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Lionel White, Mohammed Alfarhan, Tariq Ahmed and Carlos
Aiken, 2008,”GeoDimensional Tools-Software Modules to
Create and Analyze 3D Virtual Outcrops”, 2008,
SEPMOutcrops Revitalized: Tools, Techniques and
Applications, 22 – 28 June 2008, Kilkee, Ireland.
Lionel White, Mohammed Alfarhan, Tariq Ahmed, Alex Biholar,
Brian Burnham and Carlos Aiken, 2008, “Hands-on
Demonstration of GeoDimensional Tools Applied to
Outcrops Near Kilkee, Ireland, and Others”, 2008,
SEPM Outcrops Revitalized: Tools, Techniques and
Applications, 22-28 June 2008, Kilkee, Ireland
Lionel White, Mohammed Alfarhan, Tariq Ahmed, Carlos Aiken,
2008,”Structural and Orientation Analysis of 3D
Virtual Outcrop Models”, 2008, GSA Joint Annual
Meeting, 5-9 October 2008, Houston, Texas.
White, Lionel, Ahmed, Tarig, Alfarhan, Mohammed, Alvarado,
Iris, Biholar, Alex, Burnham, Brian, Shilpakar Prabin,
and Aiken, Carlos, 2008, Application of the
GeoDimensional Tools ArcGIS Extension for the Analysis
of 3D Virtual models of Outcrops in the Arbuckle
Anticline and Other, 2008, GSA Joint Annual Meeting,
5-9 October 2008, Houston, Texas.
Burnham, Brian., Kashouh, Michele., Pujana, Ignacio., White,
Lionel., Alfarhan, Mohammed., Biholar, Alex., and Carlos,
Aiken.,2008, “Three Dimensional Model of Type Section
of Santonian Limestone (AustinChalk) at Ten Mile
Creek Dallas County, Texas: Applications to
Paleontology of 3D VirtualGeologic Methods”, 2008,
GSA Joint Annual Meeting, 5-9 October 2008,Houston,
White, Lionel, Alfarhan, Mohammed, Ahmed, Tarig and Aiken,
Carlos, 2008,Structural and Orientation Analysis of 3D
Virtual Outcrop Models, 2008,GSA Joint Annual Meeting,
5-9 October 2008, Houston, Texas.
Alvarado, Iris, Alfarhan, Mohammed , White, Lionel and Aiken,
Carlos, 2008, K-12Teacher as An NSF RET (Research
Experience for Teachers) Participant in the NSF
INTERFACE (Interdisciplinary alliance for digital Field
data Acquisition and Exploration)Facility at UT-Dallas,
2008, GSA Joint Annual Meeting, 5-9 October 2008,
Houston, Texas.
Oldow, J S, Alfarhan, M, White, L S, Ahmed, T, Alvarado, M I,
Cline, J, Shilpakar, P, Aiken, C L, 2008,“Monitoring
Growth of the Daisetta, Texas Sinkhole With Terrestrial
Laser Scanning, Close Range Digital Photography,and GPS,
2008 AGU Fall Meeting 15-19 December 2008, San
White, Lionel, Alfarhan, Mohammed, Cline, Jarvis, Abdelsalam,
Mohamed, and Aiken, Carlos, “Analysis Of Geological
Outcrop Virtual Models Using The Arcgis Platform”,
2009 GSA, South-Central Section – 43rd Annual Meeting,
16-17 March 2009, Dallas, Texas
Aiken, Carlos L.V., Oldow, John S., Alfarhan, Mohammed,
White, Lionel S. Jr, and Ahmed, Tarig, “Monitoring Growth
Of The Daisetta, Texas Sinkhole With Terrestrial Laser
Scanning, Close Range Digital Photography, And GPS”,
2009 GSA, South-Central Section – 43rd Annual Meeting,
16-17 March 2009, Dallas, Texas
Alvarado, Iris, Wurtz, Michelle, White, Lionel S. Jr,
Alfarhan, Mohammed, and Aiken, Carlos L.V., “virtual
Model It And They Will Learn”, 2009 GSA, South-Central
Section – 43rd Annual Meeting, 16-17 March 2009,
Dallas, Texas
Kashouh, Michele, Burnham, Brian, Alfarhan, Mohammed, White,
Lionel, Pujana, Ignacio, and Aiken, Carlos, “Site
Documentation of Global Stratigraphic Sections And Points
(Gssp) Through Methods Of Three Dimensional Geologic
Modeling. Case Study: The Wal-Mart Section Of Ten Mile
Creek, Dallas Texas”, 2009 GSA, South-Central Section –
43rd Annual Meeting , 16 – 17 March 2009, Dallas, Texas
White, Lionel; Alfarhan, Mohammed; Aiken, Carlos, “The
Construction and Analysis of 3D Photorealistic Models
of Geological Outcrops”, SPAR Point Research, 2009,
“3D Imaging and Positioning for Engineering/
Construction/Manufacturing”, 6th Annual Conference on
3D Laser Scanning, Dynamic Survey, Lidar and Dimensional
Control, March 30 – April 1, 2009, Denver, Colorado
Lionel White, Sumanta Chatterjee, Miao Wang, Mohammed
Alfarhan, Carlos Aiken, Christopher Kendall, “Cyber
Mapping of sequence stratigraphic surfaces in outcrops:
LIDAR provides a cutting edge to sedimentary modeling”,
AAPG 2009 Annual Convention & Exhibition, 2009, SEPM
Research Group for Sequence Stratigraphy,, June 7-10,
2009, Denver, Colorado.
White, Lionel; Alfarhan, Mohammed; Cline, Jarvis; Aiken,
Carlos, “Real-time Mapping of Laser Rangefinder to
Photograph in ArcMap”, ESRI International User Conference
(ESRI UC), 2009, July 13–17, 2009, San Diego Convention
Center, San Diego, California, Proceeding paper,
Rodriguez, Iris*; Cabrelles, Miriam; Lerma, Jose L.; White,
Lionel; Alfarhan, Mohammed; Aiken, Carlos L.V.:
“A Comparison Of The Effectiveness Of Closerange
Photogrammetry, Laser Scanning, And Their Integration
In Creating High Resolution 3d Virtual Models Of
Geologic Outcrops”, 2009 GSA Annual Meeting, From
Volcanoes to Vineyards: Living with Dynamic Landscapes,
18-21 October • Portland, Oregon, USA, Oregon
Convention Center.
Projects and funding
Norsk Hydro ASA, Consortium on Digital Geology,
2001-2002, $30,000
Norsk Hydro ASA, Digital Geologic Mapping of the Ainsa
Basin, Spain, 2001-2002, $70,000
BP Alaska, Surface Gravity Monitoring of Water Injection,
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, 2002, $100,000
Norsk Hydro ASA, 2002, Digital Geology Consortium, $30,000
Norsk Hydro ASA, 2002, Support for Digital Geologic Mapping
at San Clemente Beach, ,$3000
Norsk Hydro ASA, 2003, Digital Geology Cosnortium,
Jan 2003-Dec 2003, $30,000
Norsk Hydro ASA, 2003, Preparation for Digital Geologic
Mapping of Europe, (Spain), November 2003-June
2004, $37,500
City of Rowlett, 2003, Utility Mapping of the City of
Rowlett, $18,000.
Norsk Hydro ASA, 2003, Preparation for Digital Geologic
Mapping of Europe: Ireland, $48,000
Norsk Hydro ASA, 2004, Preparation for Digital Geologic
Mapping of Europe: United Kingdom, $70,000.
Norsk Hydro ASA, 2004, Preparation for Digital Geologic
Mapping of Europe: Guadelupes, New Mexico, $78,000.
Norsk Hydro ASA, 2004, Preparation for Digital Geologic
Mapping of Europe: with AGIP in Spain, $28,000.
Norsk Hydro ASA, 2005, Preparation for Digital Geologic
Mapping of Europe, Jan 2005-March 2006, $76,000
NSF, Cyber-Mapping for Teaching Undergraduate Geoscience
Courses, November 2006-November 2008, $149,000
NSF, Cyber-Mapping for Teaching Undergraduate Geoscience
Courses, NSF,12/06 to 12/08 $149,000. submitted in
2006 but changed to subcontract with PI moving to
Missouri Univ.of Science and Technology,in 2007.$49,000.
NSF, Collaborative Research: Facility Support: Building the
INTERFACE facility for cm-scale, 3D digital field
geology, NSF,9/2007-3/2010 $183,000
University of Calgary, Milk River, Alberta, Canada, Virtual
Mapping, 5/3/2008-9/31/2008, $25,000
Saudi Aramco Co., Daharan, Saudi Arabia, Three dimensional
photorealistic capture and modeling of geologic outcrops
in Saudi Arabia, 03/01/2010-03/01/2011, $587,000