Kishore began his journey as a masters’ student at the UTD starting spring 2020. Within a semester, he was successful in his early research on application of quiet element techniques and inactive element techniques towards directed energy deposition process simulation. Later, starting Fall 2020, Kishore started working in CAM lab as a PhD student under the guidance of Dr. Wei Li, and Dr. Dong Qian.
Kishore is currently working on the multiphysics modeling of the directed energy deposition, powder bed fusion, and wire arc based hybrid additive manufacturing process that include laser shock peening, and ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification techniques. He is also working on the experimentation of directed energy deposition, wire arc additive manufacturing, laser shock peening processes, and material characterization involving nanoindentation, and surface morphology.
Kishore MN, Wei Li, Youngsik Pyun, Dong Qian, “Modeling Analysis of UNSM’s Effect on Residual Stress in Laser Directed Energy Deposition”, USNCCM16, Chicago, US, July 2021.
Wei Li, Kishore Mysore Nagaraja, “Modeling Study of Porosity’s Effect on Grain Evolution During Directed Energy Deposition”, 2021 – Manuscript Accepted.
Kishore M N, Wei Li, Dong Qian, Pareekshith Allu, Ran Zhou, Hongbing Lu, “A High-Fidelity Multiphysics Model For The Multi-Layer Powder Bed Fusion Process”, 2021 – Manuscript Submitted.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
800 W. Campbell Rd., ECW 31
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
LinkedIn: kishoremn11