Lab members win ACS DFW 2023 meeting in miniature prizes

Congratulation to undergraduate and graduate students for wininning ACS DFW 55th meeting in miniature prizes. Emad Siddiki won 1st prize and the special prize in the undergraduate section. Muhammad Abbas won 2nd prize in inorganic and 2nd prize in environmental/organic sections. Simin Sheybani won 3rd prize in the inorganic sections.

C&en features EuMOFs crystals

C&en features our metal-organic framework (MOFs) crystals synthesized by Abbas. These crystals fluoresce bright red under ultraviolet light thanks to the rare earth metals embedded in the crystal structure. And that’s not all they can do—when the crystals are cooled with liquid nitrogen to 77 K, the fluorescence color turns from red to hot pink.

Proud moment: Balkus lab’s work featured twice in ACS Catalysis’ most cited papers

ACS Catalysis highlights its most cited papers from around the globe: United States. Two out of top ten are from Balks lab. They congratulated prof. Balkus and all the authors as these broad ranging contributions are consistent with the original vision of ACS Catalysis to “…provide a venue for cross-cutting catalysis research, with an emphasis on contributions that describe catalytic molecules, macromolecules, or materials in fundamental, kinetic terms, utilizing catalytic site-based metrics such as turnover frequencies whenever possible, such that catalysts from all disciplines can be rigorously compared.”

Read the featured work

1. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Graphene-TiO2 Nanotube Composites with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity

2. Perspective of Recent Progress in Immobilization of Enzymes