Xintong Dong, PhD

Principal Investigator –

Hi! My name is Xintong. We use mouse genetic models to study antimicrobial peptide functions in host-microbe crosstalk and neuroimmunity. I love Miyazaki movies, video games, Rachmaninoff and cats.

Keean Dolan

Lab Manager –

Hi! I’m Keean, I graduated from Michigan State University in 2022 with a BS in Microbiology. In the Lab I study the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus and how it alters its transcription in the presence of host defense proteins. Outside of the Lab, you can usually find me outdoors, I love to hike and camp.

Sharan Balaji

PhD Student

My name is Sharan, I work on the neuro-immune axis of antimicrobial peptide signaling in psoriasis. I love to watch anime and sports; pencil sketch; and eat food made by me. My favorite animal is a cheetah and bird is a vulture.

Md Liakat Hossain

PhD Student

I am Md Liakat Hossain. I am working on atopic dermatitis induced by Staphylococcus aureus in mice model. I love travelling and exploring new places in my spare time.  

Waris Khuwaja

PhD Student

I’m Waris, I am passionate about immunology and cancer biology. In the lab I study the immunology and pain associated with Urinary tract infections as well as T cell behavior during psoriatic itch. Outside of the lab I like to cook, read, and travel.

Danieh Mohammad

Masters Student

I’m Danieh Mohammad and my research is focused on investigating the expression and localization of defensins in urinary tract infections. My hobbies include watching movies and baking!

Joyes Varughese

Masters Student

I’m Joyes, in the lab my project is centered around purifying neutrophils and examining their activation and gene expression in mutant mice. My favorite hobby is listening to music.

Bhavani Balasundarasekar

Masters Student

I’m Bhavani, in the lab I study antimicrobial peptide defense activity against Streptococcus pneumoniae lung infection. I am an ebullient and cheerful personality, in my free time I love cooking and listening to music.

Priyanka Priyadarshini

Masters Student

I’m Priyanka, my research explores the presence of G-protein-coupled receptors in basophils. My hobbies include films, art, badminton, and cricket. 

Helena Ramning

Undergraduate Student

I’m Helena, working with Keean I analyze how antimicrobial peptides alter the transcription behavior of the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. In my free time I love to bake, read, and embroider (grandmother activities).

Luchiano Fernando

Undergraduate Student

I’m Luchiano, I assist the team on various projects and I am currently working on designing an assay to test GPCR/Ligand interactions

Chethani Perera

Undergraduate Student

I’m Chethani, I work with Liakat understanding S. aureus induced atopic dermatitis, a fun fact about me is that I can speak 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Sinhalese!

Yining Liu

Undergraduate Student

I’m Yining, In the lab I observe the changes of RNA in HL-60 Cells over time. A fun fact about me is if you translate my name in Chinese, it means “One One”

Julia Nguyen

Undergraduate Student

I’m Julia, in the lab I work with Danieh investigating the immunological and neurophysiological responses to UTI’s in mice ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ. Outside of the lab I like kite flying and Karaoke-ing.