
Deep tissue imaging community (construction in progress …)

Boyden, EdMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyTissue optics and in-vivo imaging
Ertürk, AliMunich UniversityTissue optics and imaging
Dai, HongjieThe University of Hong KongNIR biological imaging
Tang, Ben ZhongThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, ShenzhenAggregation-induced emission
Tuchin, ValerySaratov State UniversityTissue optics
Wang, LihongCalifornia Institute of TechnologyBiomedical imaging
Xu, ChrisCornell UniversityBiomedical imaging
Yao, JunjieDuke UniversityPhotoacoustic imaging
Zhu, DanHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyTissue optics and in-vivo imaging
Sequence sorted by last name

Soft Matter