Doctoral student Peng Xie came to The University of Texas at Dallas primarily to follow his mentor, Dr. Michael Q. Zhang, and his passion, computational biology.
In the three years he has been on campus, Xie has exemplified the multitude of reasons that promising graduate students come to UT Dallas — opportunity, support and career advancement.

Scientists Advance Understanding of DNA Responsible for Diseases
Dr. Michael Q. Zhang and postdoctoral researcher Dr. Yong Chen from Zhang’s Computational Biology Laboratory — along with assistant professor of biological sciences Dr. Zhenyu Xuan — collaborated on the formulation of the system called CAPTURE, or CRISPR Affinity Purification in situ of Regulatory Elements. Their work was published in a recent issue of the journal Cell.

Undergraduate Student Research Projects Showcased
Aaron Kotamarti received second place for research that combines genetics, biochemistry and computer science. His faculty mentor was Dr. Michael Zhang, director of the Center for Systems Biology and the Cecil H. and Ida Green Distinguished Chair in Systems Biology Science.
Using biological principles as input, Kotamarti devised computer programs that could help researchers better understand a process called methylation, which helps regulate the expression of genes. Kotamarti has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from UT Dallas and is currently completing a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in engineering.

Scientist Strengthens Systems Biology Initiative
Dr. Michael Zhang, a leading scientist in computational biology and genomic research, has joined UT Dallas as professor and Cecil H. and Ida Green Distinguished Chair of Systems Biology Science. See the full story at the UT Dallas News Center.