
Giacomo Valerio Iungo, PhD
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

The University of Texas at Dallas
Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science

Phone: 1-972-883-4621
Office: WSTC 2.208

Postal address:
800 West Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
Mail Box: WT10

Website: Dr. Iungo’s Webpage

Research at the Wind, Fluids, and eXperiments (WindFLuX) Laboratory focuses on understanding the organization of atmospheric boundary-layer turbulence, both for onshore and offshore conditions,  and developing models to predict the interaction between wind turbulence and the environment with applications to wind energy. Our investigations are performed using synergistically field experiments with our mobile wind LiDAR station, wind tunnel experiments, numerical and theoretical modeling.

WindFluX Team, September 2019

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