
24. Kvasovs, N.†, Iziumchenko, V.†, Sterling, A. J., Gevorgyan, V.*, “Nickel-Catalyzed Branched Hydroalkylation of Alkenes with Diazo Compounds”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2025, accepted.

Publications prior to UTD

23. Sterling, A. J.*, Smith, R. C., Anderson, E. A.*, Duarte, F.*, “Beyond Strain Release: Delocalization-Enabled Organic Reactivity”, J. Org. Chem. 2024,

22. Nugent, J.†, López-Francés, A.†, Sterling, A. J.†, Min Yi, T., Frank, N., Mousseau, J. J., Duarte, F.*, Anderson, E. A.*, “𝛼-Amino Bicycloalkanes through Organophotoredox Catalysis”, Chem. Sci. 2024,

21. Sterling, A. J.*†, Ciccia, N. R.†, Guo, Y., Hartwig, J. F.*, Head-Gordon, M.*, “Mechanistic Insights into the Origins of Selectivity in a Cu-catalyzed C–H Amidation Reaction”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 6168–6177.

20. Sterling, A. J., Levine, D. S, Aldossary, A., Head-Gordon, M.*, “Chemical Bonding and the Role of Node-Induced Electron Confinement”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 9532–9543. Highlighted in Chemistry World.

19. Smith, L. B., Armstrong, R. J., Hou, J., Smith, E., Sze, M., Sterling, A. J., Smith, A., Duarte, F.*, Donohoe, T.J.*, “Redox Reorganization: Aluminium promoted 1,5-Hydride Shifts Allow the Controlled Synthesis of Multisubstituted Cyclohexenes”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202307424. Designated as a ‘Hot Paper’.

18. Dubois, M. A. J.†, Rojas, J. J.†, Sterling, A. J.†, Broderick, H. C., Smith, M. A., White, A. J. P., Miller, P. W., Choi, C., Mousseau, J. J., Duarte, F.*, and Bull, J. A.*, “Visible Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Alkylation of 3-Aryl-Oxetanes and Azetidines via Benzylic Tertiary Radicals and Implications of Benzylic Radical Stability”, J. Org. Chem. 2023, 88, 6476–6488. Received The Journal of Organic Chemistry Outstanding Publication of the Year Award 2023.

17. Frank, N., Nugent, J., Shire, B. R., Pickford, H. D., Rabe, P., Sterling, A. J., Zarganes-Tzitzikas, T., Grimes, T., Thompson, A. L., Smith, R. C., Schofield, C. J., Brennan, P. E., Duarte, F., and Anderson, E. A.*, “Synthesis of meta-substituted arene bioisosteres from [3.1.1]propellane”, Nature 2022, 611, 721–726.

16. Rojas, J. J.†, Croft, R. A.†, Sterling, A. J., Briggs, E. L., Antermite, D., Schmitt, D. C., Blagojevic, L., Haycock, P., White, A. J. P., Duarte, F., Choi, C., Mousseau, J. J. and Bull, J. A.*, “Amino-Oxetanes as Amide Isosteres by an Alternative Defluorosulfonylative Coupling of Sulfonyl Fluorides”, Nat. Chem. 2022, 14, 160–169. Featured in Synform (2022/07, A103–A107).

15. Ideböhn, V., Sterling, A. J., Wallner, M., Olsson, E., Squibb, R. J., Miniotaité, U., Forsmalm, E., Forsmalm, M., Stranges, S., Dyke, J. M., Duarte, F., Eland, J. H. D. and Feifel, R.*, “Single photon double and triple ionisation of allene”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2022, 24, 786–796.

14. Livesly, S., Sterling, A. J., Robertson, C. C., Goundry, W., Morris, J. A., Duarte, F.* and Aïssa, C.*, “Electrophilic Activation of [1.1.1]Propellane for the Synthesis of Nitrogen-substituted bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202111291. Designated as a ‘Hot Paper’.

13. Nugent, J., Sterling, A. J., Frank, N., Mousseau, J. J. and Anderson, E. A.*, “Synthesis of 𝛼-quaternary bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes through synergistic organophotoredox and hydrogen atom transfer catalysis”, Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 8628–8633.

12. Bickerton, L. E.†, Docker, A.†, Sterling, A. J., Kuhn, H., Duarte, F.*, Beer, P. D.* and Langton, M. J.*, “Highly Active Halogen Bonding and Chalcogen Bonding Chloride Transporters with Non-Protonophoric Activity”, Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 11738–11745.

11. Yu, P.*, Sterling, A. J.* and Hein, J.*, “A Novel Automated Screening Method for Combinatorially Generated Small Molecules”, J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2021, 61, 1637–1646.

10. Wong, M. L. J, Sterling, A. J., Mousseau, J. J., Duarte, F.* and Anderson, E. A.*, “Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of 𝛼-Chiral Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes”, Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 1644. Featured in Synform (2021/08, A126–A128).

9. Sterling, A. J.†, Zavitsanou, S.†, Ford, J. and Duarte, F.*, “Selectivity in Organocatalysis – From Qualitative to Quantitative Predictive Models”, WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 2021, 11, e1518. Wiley ‘Top Downloaded Article’, 2021.

8. Young, T. A., Silcock, J., Sterling, A. J. and Duarte, F.*, “autodE: Automated Calculation of Reaction Energy Profiles – Application to Organic and Organometallic Reactions”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 4266–4274. Designated as a ‘Hot Paper’.

7. Scriven, L. M.†, Kaiser, K.†, Schulz, F., Sterling, A. J., Woltering, S. L., Gawel, P., Christensen, K., Anderson, H. L.* and Gross, L.*, “Synthesis of cyclo[18]carbon via debromination of C18Br6“, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 12921–12924. Designated as one of the top-cited JACS papers from 2020–2021.

6. Costil, R., Sterling, A. J., Duarte, F. and Clayden, J.*, “Atropisomerism in diarylamines: Structural requirements and mechanisms of conformational interconversion”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 18670–18678.

5. Sterling, A. J., Dürr, A. B., Smith, R. C., Anderson, E. A.* and Duarte, F.*, “Rationalizing the diverse reactivity of [1.1.1]propellane through 𝝈–𝜋-delocalization”, Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 4895–4903.

4. Bickerton, L. E., Sterling, A. J., Beer, P. D., Duarte, F.* and Langton, M. J.*, “Transmembrane anion transport mediated by halogen bonding and hydrogen bonding triazole anionophores”, Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 4722–4729.

3. Eland, J. H. D., Squibb, R. J., Sterling, A. J., Wallner, M., Hult Roos, A., Andersson, J., Axelsson, V., Johansson, E., Teichter, A., Stranges, S., Brunetti, B., Dyke, J. M., Duarte, F., Feifel, R.*, “Double and triple ionization of isocyanic acid”, Sci. Rep. 2020, 10, 2288.

2. Nugent, J.†, Arroniz, C.†, Shire, B. R., Sterling, A. J., Pickford, H. D., Wong, M. L. J., Mansfield, S. J., Caputo, D. F. J., Owen, B., Mousseau, J. J., Duarte, F.* and Anderson, E. A.*, “A General Route to Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes through Photoredox Catalysis” ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 9568–9574.

  1. Gouverneur, V.*, Szpera, R., Moseley, D. F. J.†, Smith, L. B.†, Sterling, A. J.†, “The Fluorination of C–H Bonds: Developments and Perspectives”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 14824–14848.

† Denotes equal author contributions
* Denotes corresponding author