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- We are delighted to announce that Dr. Sisman received Fall 2022 AWS AI Amazon Research Award!
- SML lab welcomes 2 PhD students, Rasim Ulgen and Seyed Hossein Hosseini!
- Dr. Sisman is the Area Chair at IEEE ICASSP 2023.
- Dr. Sisman is invited to give a research seminar at the Center for Language and Speech Processing (CLSP) at Johns Hopkins University (November 4, 2022).
- 3 papers submitted to IEEE ICASSP 2023!
- Dr. Sisman is invited to give a talk at IEEE Signal Processing Society. The talk is in recognition of her work “An Overview of Voice Conversion and Its Challenges: From Statistical Modeling to Deep Learning” which has been identified as being one of the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s top 25 downloaded articles in 2020 for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing on IEEE Xplore®! For more information, please check here.
- Our lab has PhD/MS student openings! If you’re interested, please check available positions.
- We are welcoming Zhou Kun (NUS, Singapore) and Junchen Lu (NUS, Singapore), who recently joined our lab as visiting scientists!
- 3 papers published & presented at INTERSPEECH 2022 in South Korea.
- Dr. Sisman joined UT Dallas as an Assistant Professor, and our lab moved to the ECE Department of UT Dallas!
- Dr. Sisman is in the Organizing Committee of Workshop for Young Female Researchers in Speech Science & Technology (YFRSW). For more information, please check here.
- 2 papers published at ASRU 2021!
- Dr. Sisman is elected as a member of the IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee (SLTC) in the area of Speech Synthesis for the term from Jan 2022 to Dec 2024.
- Dr. Sisman is the Lead Area Chair at INTERSPEECH 2022.
- Dr. Sisman is the Area Chair at IEEE SLT 2022.
- Dr. Sisman is the Publication Chair at IEEE ICASSP 2022.
- Dr. Sisman is the Area Chair of ‘7. Speech Synthesis and Spoken Language Generation’ at INTERSPEECH 2021.