Welcome to Speech & Machine Learning Lab website!

The Speech & Machine Learning (SML) Lab, which is a part of the Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS), is located at the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of the University of Texas at Dallas, United States. Our research features an inter-disciplinary study that involves speech processing, emotion, audio-visual learning and deep learning methodology. We develop cutting-edge neural models for inclusive and expressive speech synthesis. Thank you for taking your time to know better about us and our work.

Dr. Berrak Sisman

Recent Announcements

  • Dr. Sisman received National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award for her proposal “What is in a Voice?: Scientific and Machine Learning Advancement for Voice Conversion”. For more information, check here.
  • SML lab welcomes Aurosweta as she joins the lab as a PhD student!
  • We presented 2 papers at Speaker Odyssey 2024. Pre-prints are available here and here.
  • Our paper has been accepted for presentation in ICASSP 2024! Preprint is available here.
  • SML lab welcomes Shreeram Suresh Chandra as he joins the lab as a PhD student in the fall of 2023!
  • Dr. Sisman received the Fall 2022 AWS AI Amazon Research Award! For more information, please check here.
  • SML lab welcomes Rasim Ulgen as he joins the lab as a PhD student!
  • Dr. Sisman is serving as the Area Chair at IEEE ICASSP 2023.