- Getting Started as the Chair of the Chemistry Department at UTD.
- Dean, Chris Newgard, and Danhong Li at the ADA meeting. Philadelphia, June 2001
- Dean and Elena in Japan. May 2004
- Enjoying tapas after the Molecular Imaging Conference, Madrid, Jan. 2004
- Waiting in Japan. May 2004
- Dean, Gillies, and Zheng in Japan. ISMRM, May 2004
- Sherry Lab Group
- Social hour at the WMIC Sept. 2013
- Sarah Sherry with Nobel Prize Winning Chemist, Alan MacDairmid, Jan. 2001
- Drs. Gillies, Sherry, Lenkinski & Tweedle enjoying the ISMRM in Hawaii, 2002
- Dr. Sherry and Professor Gillies discussing pH sensitive contrast agents in Scotland. April, 2001
- Baughman, Zakhidov and Sherry at Graduate student orientation in 2002
- Sherry Lab Group
- Zoltan’s First Hammer. UTD Lab, 1996
- Andrew’s Farewell Party, 2003
- Sherry Lab, 2005
- Somi ‘s Graduate Research Award
- Ana Opina, PhD Dec. 2010
- Going Away Lunch Ana Opina, PhD, Dec 2010
- Going Away Lunch Ana Opina PhD, Dec 2010
- Mary Evbuomwan, PhD May 2011
- Sherry Lab, 2012
- Camille’s Farewell, 2012
- MRI Rock Star, Sherry Lab Celebration
- “For pioneering work in chelate chemistry, the development of novel probes, and the establishment of a new class of paramagnetic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents based on the transfer of saturated magnetization to the water resonance (chemical exchange saturation transfer) that is significantly advancing the applications of MRI and MRS molecular imaging for in vivo diagnosis.” Sept. 2013
- Presentation of Gold Medal awards from the WMIC Organizers. Sept. 2013
- Acceptance Speech Sept. 2013
- Dr. Sherry and Dr. Malloy Sept. 2013
- Dr. Sherry’s group and Dr. Aime Sept. 2013
- Awarded gold medal at World Molecular Imaging Conference, Savannah, GA, Sept. 2013
- Welcome André, good luck Bunyong! Group lab shot, Nov. 2013
- Leila’s Defense, 2013
- Leila Fidelino, PhD Dec. 2013
- Dr. Sherry presenting at the ACS National Meeting Dallas. March 2014
- Dr. Sherry’s lab members, ACS National Meeting Dallas. March 2014
- Xiaojing and Jing at the ACS National Meeting Dallas Poster Session March 2014
- Quyen and Jing at the ACS National Meeting Dallas Poster Session March 2014
- Shirangi Fernando, PhD., 2014
- Quyen Do, PhD., 2015
- Lei Zhang, PhD,2017
- Veronica’s Farewell Party , 2018
- Namini Paranawithana, PhD, 2018