
Drills and drill bits are available to do a variety of jobs. The attachments include the following:

  • 135 degree split point black oxide drill bits 1/16″ to 1/4″ for wood, metal, and plastic.
  • 1″ hex shank spade but drill bit for wood.
  • Carbide tipped masonry drill bits 5/32″ to 5/16″ for brick, block, and mortar.
  • Brad point drill bits 3/16 to 3/8 for drilling clean holes in wood.
  • 2-1/8″ hole saw for drilling large holes in wood.
  • Hex sgank nut setters 1/4″ to 3/8″ for driving bolts and hex fasteners.
  • Countersink for wood.
  • Center punch for marking the center when drilling in metals.

The drill bits for wood have a pointed tip. They are placed in the woodworking room:

This is what we have at the project workshop: