
Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Lab

Our Projects


Load Carriage

Dual Task


In collaboration with UT Dallas Baseball, an NCAA Division II team, and professional training centers across the DFW Metropolitan Area.

Our Team

Interested in Joining Our Research Team?

Once you apply, you will be added to our list of interested individuals.

If a project is looking to bring in volunteers, they will look through the pool of applicants and contact those whose availability best matches any openings they may have. You will be asked to come in for a tour and an interview if you are contacted. At that point, you may be offered a position in the lab or asked to wait until all interviews are completed for that particular project.

Please note that our teams have different needs, number of openings, and timelines. Therefore, you can be contacted anytime between when the application goes live and when all teams have filled out their openings. This could also mean you may not be contacted for an interview.