The McCall laboratory is fully equipped for solid-state synthesis, single crystal growth, and solution chemistry, as well as the structural, optical, and electronic characterization of materials. Students in our team also have access to a variety of advanced characterization tools hosted both at UTD as well as at external user facilities such as Argonne National Laboratory.
Basic Chemistry Equipment
- 2-Chamber MBraun Glovebox
- Planetary Ball Mill (MSESupplies, in N2 glovebox)
- Laurell Spin Coater
- Vacuum Ovens
- Fume Hoods
- Analytical Balances
- Hot Plates/Stirrers
- Schlenk Line
- Parr Hydrothermal Reactors
High-Temperature Solid-State Synthesis and Crystal Growth Equipment
- Vacuum Line and Torch for Making and Sealing Quartz Ampoules
- Jupiter F5 Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer (Netzsch)
- Box Furnaces (Nabertherm, Lindberg Blue M)
- Tube Furnaces (Nabertherm, Fisher Scientific)
- 3-Zone Horizontal Tube Furnace (Mellen)
- 2-Zone and 3-Zone Bridgman Furnaces (Mellen)
- Precision Low-Speed Crystal Cutting Saw (Ted Pella)
Characterization Capabilities
- X-ray Diffractometer
- Variable-Temperature Photoluminescence (Steady-State and Time-Resolved)
- Variable-Temperature Resistivity & Ionic Conductivity
- Photoconductivity Spectroscopy
- Pulse-Height Spectroscopy
Shared Facilities and Capabilities at UTD
- MASTER Lab (MSE Department)
- Raman Spectroscopy (Variable-Temperature)
- UV-Vis-NIR
- Nano-Characterization Facility
- Powder/Thin-film X-Ray Diffraction
- Cleanroom
- Visible/Fluorescence Microscopy
- Ellipsometry
- Other MSE Facilities
- Molecular and Protein Analysis Core
- Horiba Fluorolog
- UV-Vis-NIR
External Resources
- Advanced Photon Source (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Center for Nanoscale Materials (Argonne National Laboratory)