

Porras, A., Rodney-Hernández, P., Nguyen, C., and Rincón-Cortés, M. (2024). Effects of sensory overstimulation in postpartum rats. Physiology and Behavior. 280:114547.

Oak, S., Nguyen, C., Rodney-Hernández, P. and Rincón-Cortés, M. (2024). Behavioral responses to natural rewards in developing male and female rats. Developmental Psychobiology. 66 (1): e22448.


Rincón-Cortés, M. and Grace, A.A. (2023). Sex-dependent emergence of prepubertal social dysfunction and augmented dopamine activity in a neurodevelopmental rodent model relevant for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 262: 32-39.

Rincón-Cortés, M. (2023). Sex differences in addiction-relevant behavioral outcomes in rodents following early life stress. Addiction Neuroscience. 6:100067.


Rincón-Cortés, M. and Grace, A.A. (2022). Dopamine downregulation in novel rodent models useful for the study of postpartum depression. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 16:1065558.

Rincón-Cortés, M. and Grace, A.A. (2022). Adult stress exposure blunts dopamine system hyperresponsivity in a Neurodevelopmental rodent model of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Mar 25, 8(1): 30.

Rincón-Cortés, M. and Grace, A.A. (2022). Postpartum scarcity-adversity disrupts maternal behavior and induces a hypodopaminergic state in the rat dam and adult female offspring. Neuropsychopharmacology. Jan 47(2): 488-96.


Opendak, M., Raineki, C., Perry, R.E., Rincón-Cortés, M., Song, S.C., Zanca, R.S., Wood, E., Packard, K., Hu, S., Woo, J., Martinez, K., Yaragudri, V.K., Brown, R.W., Deehan, G.A., Froemke, R.C., Serrano, P.A., Wilson, D.A. and Sullivan, R.M. (2021). Bidirectional control of infant rat social behavior via dopaminergic innervation of the basolateral amygdala. Neuron. Dec 15; 109(24): 4018-35.

Rincón-Cortés, M. and Grace, A.A. (2021). Early Pup Removal Leads to Social Dysfunction and Dopamine Deficit in Late Postpartum Rats: Prevention by Social Support. Front. Glob. Womens Health 2:694808.


Rincón-Cortés, M. and Grace, A.A. (2020). Adaptations in reward-related behaviors and mesolimbic dopamine function during motherhood and the postpartum period. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. Apr; 57:100839.

Rincón-Cortés, M. and Grace, A.A. (2020). Postpartum changes in affect-related behavior and VTA dopamine neuron activity in rats. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. Mar 8; 97:109768.

Rincón-Cortés, M. and Grace, A.A. (2020). Antidepressant effects of ketamine on depression-related phenotypes and dopamine dysfunction in rodent models of stress. Behavioral Brain Research. Feb 3; 379:112367.


Perry, R.E., Braren, S.H., Rincón-Cortés, M., Brandes-Aitken, A.N., Chopra, D., Sullivan, R.M. and Blair, C. (2019). Enhancing executive functions through social interactions: Causal evidence using a cross-species model. Frontiers in Psychology 10:2472.

Perry, R.E., Rincón-Cortés, M., Braren, S.H., Brandes-Aitken, A.N., Opendak, M., Pollonini, G., Chopra, D., Cybele-Raver, C., Alberini, C.M., Blair, C., and Sullivan, R.M. (2019). Corticosterone administration targeting a hyporeactive HPA-axis rescues a socially avoidant phenotype in scarcity adversity reared rats. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 40:100716.

Klinger, K.K., Gomes F.V., Rincón-Cortés, M., Grace, A.A. (2019). Female rats are resistant to the long-lasting neurobehavioral changes induced by adolescent stress exposure. European Neuropsychopharmacology; 20 (10):1127-1137.

Rincón-Cortés, M., Herman, J.P., Lupien, S., Maguire, J.L., Shansky, R.M. (2019). Stress: Influence of sex, gender and reproductive status. Neurobiology of Stress Mar 9; 10:100155.


Rincón-Cortés, M., Gagnon K.G., Dollish, H.K.++, and Grace, A.A. (2018). Diazepam reverses increased anxiety-like behavior, social behavior deficit, and dopamine dysregulation following withdrawal from acute amphetamine. Neuropsychopharmacology; 43 (12): 2418-25.


Boulanger-Bertolus, J., Rincón-Cortés, M., Sullivan, R.M., and A.M. Mouly (2017). Understanding pup affective state through ethologically significant USV frequency. Scientific Reports Oct 18;7(1):13483.

Rincón-Cortés, M. and Grace, A.A. (2017). Sex-dependent effects of stress on immobility behavior and VTA dopamine neuron activity: modulation by ketamine. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 20 (10):823-832.

Yan, C.G., Rincón-Cortés, M., Raineki, C., Sarro, E., Colcombe, S., Guilfoyle, D.N., Yang, Z., Gerum, S., Biswal, B.B., Milham, M.P., Sullivan, R.M., Castellanos, F.X. (2017). Aberrant development of intrinsic brain activity in a rat model of caregiver maltreatment of offspring. Translational Psychiatry Jan 17; 7, e1005. *co-first author.


Rincón-Cortés, M., and Sullivan, R.M. (2016). Emergence of social behavior deficit, blunted corticolimbic activity and adult depression-like behavior in a rodent model of maternal maltreatment. Translational Psychiatry Oct 25;6(10): e930.

Gomes, F.V., Rincón-Cortés, M.*, and Grace, A.A. (2016). Adolescence as a period of vulnerability and intervention in schizophrenia: Insights from the MAM model. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 70: 260-270.


Rincón-Cortés, M., Barr. G.A., M., Mouly, A.M., Shionoya, K., Nuñez, B.S.++, and Sullivan, R.M. (2015). Enduring good memories of infant trauma: Rescue of adult neurobehavioral deficits via amygdala serotonin and corticosterone interaction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (3): 881-6.

Raineki, C., Sarro, E, Rincón-Cortés M., Perry, R.E., Boggs, J., Holman, C., and Sullivan, R.M. (2015). Paradoxical neurobehavioral rescue by memories of early-life abuse: The enduring safety signal value of maternal odor learned during abusive attachment in infancy Neuropsychopharmacology 40 (4): 906- 914.

Rincón-Cortés, M. and Regina M. Sullivan. (2014). Early Life Trauma and Attachment: Immediate and Enduring Effects on Neurobehavioral and Stress Axis Development. Frontiers in Neuroendocrine Science 5(33).

Raineki, C., Cortés, M., Belnoue, L, and Sullivan, R.M. (2012). Effects of early life abuse differ across development: Infant social behavior deficits are followed by adolescent depressive-like behaviors mediated by the amygdala. Journal of Neuroscience 32 (22): 7758-65.