Texas Instruments Bioengineering Sciences Building

The Texas Instruments Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (BMES) Building, which will accelerate training for the next generation and foster medical innovations to improve patient care, opened in fall 2023.
The $120 million, five-story, 150,000-square-foot building, located on the east campus of UT Southwestern, was made possible by a transformative gift from Texas Instruments (TI) and support from other donors, as well as investment from the Permanent University Fund of the UT System.

The facility will support the work of dozens of faculty and their teams with both wet and dry laboratory space, areas designated specifically to promote multidisciplinary interactions, and a Biodesign Center that will feature a large assembly/design studio, a metal fabrication shop and rooms for 3D printing.
All labs are equipped with student work areas and conference rooms where students can collaborate and work.

Conference rooms in the lab space that is open to all of the labs
Students also have access to work areas, lactation room, break room area

Student common area. Located on every floor and provides a prime spot for students to work and study
Lyda Hill Philanthropies Lobby

The first floor houses the Lyda Hill Philanthropies Lobby, a space that will be home to events and seminars, as well as an Innovation Hub (conference rooms that can be booked), a small grab-and-go kiosk and a common area for students.