Latitude: 20.438οN Longitude: 145.029οE Summit depth: 64 m bsl
Ahyi seamount is an active submarine arc volcano located in the Northern Seamount Province (Baker et al., 2008). This seamount erupted in April-May 2014, following the eruptions in 1979 and 2001 (Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program). Evidence of eruptions in the form of thick plumes of particles suggests that Ahyi is extremely hydrothermally active and that the source of the activity is located near 150 m depth (Submarine Ring of Fire, 2014). One of the unusual benthic platyctenid ctenophores was documented during Okeanos explorations at Ahyi Seamount.
Table 1: Operations history for Ahyi vent
Ship/ Platform | Operation | Year | References |
R/V Revelle | CTD sensor | 2014 December | Submarine Ring of Fire, 2014 |
RR1413 R/V Roger Revelle/ Jason | XBT, Multibeam re-survey, CTD, EM122 multibeam logging | 2014 | Submarine Ring of Fire 2014-Ironman |
TN-153 R/V T. G. Thompson | EM300 multibeam bathymetry | 2004 | Submarine Ring of Fire 2004 |
TN-153 R/V T. G. Thompson | EM 300 multibeam; CTD vertical cast | 2003 February – March | Submarine Ring of Fire 2003 |
EX1605/Deep Discoverer | 2016 June (Leg 3) | 5 | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary |
Table 2: Vent activity and host rocks
Activity and Host Rocks | References | |
Activity | Active | Baker et al., 2008; Embley et al., 2004; Embley et al., 2014 |
Last known eruption 2014 May | Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program | |
Host Rocks | Basalt | Bloomer et al., 1989; Embley et al., 2007; Resing et al., 2009 |
Table 3: Vent fluid characteristics
Activity and Host Rocks | References | |
Temperature (οC) | Low T (<100οC) | Embley et al., 2007 |
Composition | Small 3He anomaly | Resing et al., 2009 |
Δ3He (fM) | 0.07 | Resing et al., 2009 |
Table 4: Vent Biology
General name | Phylum | Class / Order | Family | Genus/Species | References | |
Eukaryota | Comb jellies | Ctenophora | Tentaculata | Platyctenida | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary | |
Cusk eel | Chordata | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary | ||||
Duckbill | Chordata | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary | ||||
Flatfish | Chordata | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary | ||||
Octopus | Mollusca | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary | ||||
Sand tiger shark | Chordata | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary | ||||
Sea slug | Mollusca | Gastropod | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary | |||
Anemone | Cnidaria | Alicia ? | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary | |||
Shrimp | Arthropoda | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary | ||||
Snake mackerel | Chordata | Rexea ? | Okeanos Explorer 2016 dive summary |
- Unusual benthic platyctenid ctenophores documented at Ahyi Seamount.
- Unusual benthic platyctenid ctenophores
- Octopus was seen on Dive 5 at Ahyi Seamount (note: search “Ahyi”)
- A curious octopus
Video Links:
- Ahyi Seamount.
- Using a CTD to detect plumes at Ahyi (note: video at the end).
- Range of sessile organisms at Ahyi.
- What is that?
- Baker, E. T., Embley, R. W., Walker, S. L., Resing, J. A., Lupton, J. E., Nakamura, K., de Ronde, C. E. J., Massoth, G. J., 2008. Hydrothermal activity and volcano distribution along the Mariana arc: Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (B8), 1-16.
- Embley, R. W., Baker, E. T., Chadwick, W. W. JR., Lupton, J. E., Resing, J. A., Massoth, G. J., Nakamura, K., 2004. Explorations of Mariana Arc. Eos 85 (4), 37-44.
- Embley, R. W., Baker, E. T., Butterfield, D. A., Chadwick, W. W. Jr., Lupton, J. E., Resing, J. A., de Ronde, C. E. J., Nakamura, K., Tunnicliffe, V., Dower, J. F., Merle, S. G., 2007. Exploring the submarine ring of fire: Mariana Arc- Western Pacific, Oceanography 20, 68–79.
- Embley, R., Tamura, Y., Merle, S., Sato, T., Ishizuka, O., Chadwick, W., Wiens, D., Shore, P., Stern, R., 2014. Eruption of South Sarigan Seamount, Northern Mariana Islands: Insights into Hazards from Submarine Volcanic Eruptions. Oceanography 27 (2), 24-31.
- Resing, J. A., Baker, E. T., Lupton, J. E., Walker, S. L., Butterfield, D. A., Massoth, G. J., Nakamura, K., 2009. Chemistry of hydrothermal plumes above submarine volcanoes of the Mariana Arc. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10 (2), 1-23.
Website References:
- Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History: Global Volcanism Program, http://volcano.si.edu/volcano.cfm?vn=284141 (accessed 11/22/2015)
- Submarine Ring of Fire 2014 http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/14fire/logs/logs.html (accessed 11/20/2015)
- Submarine Ring of Fire 2004 http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/04fire/logs/photolog/photolog.html (accessed 11/22/2015)
- Submarine Ring of Fire 2003 http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/03fire/logs/summary/summary.html (accessed 11/22/2015)
Cruise Reports:
- NOAA Okeanos Explorer 2016 https://docs.lib.noaa.gov/OEDV/Okeanos_Explorer_2016_EX1605/Leg_3/doc/dive_summaries/EX1605L3_DIVE05_20160622_ROVDiveSummary_Final.pdf (accessed 11/22/2015)
- Submarine Ring of Fire 2014 –Ironman http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/eoi/marianas/SRoF-Ironman-2014-CruiseReport-withdivelogs.pdf (accessed 2/27/2017)