Ning Wang
Researcher | Ph.D. Candidate | UTD GSS Co-founder
ROC 1.201
Tel: 469-258-9490
Email: Ning.Wang@utdallas.edu
Ning has a diverse geoscience background, he has a BS and MS Degree in Geophysics and an MS Degree in Geology. His main research interest is to understand how to best design and create geoscience educational multimedia materials and how to assess them. Ning tries to improve educational modeling and visualizations of the Earth system so that people can understand how the Earth system works. His research is interdisciplinary and therefore he is currently cooperating with ATec, EE, Sci-Ed, and Geoscience teams, trying to use educational psychological research, dynamic system modeling theories, human-computer interaction, data analysis, educational data mining methods, and new techs to solve the problem. Meanwhile, he tries to build up a Geoscience Ed Video design framework for geoscientists and educators to use for creating their own videos.
Prof. Robert J Stern and Ning started UTD Geoscience Studio (UTD GSS) in 2016. For the past few years, UTD GSS has created plenty of geoscience-research-based educational videos, gave a number of talks and workshops, got funds from NSF, GSA, AAPG, and AGU. The studio is growing at a stable pace and trying to provide more free good geoscience visual materials for everybody.
- Stern, R.J., Ryan, J.G., Wang, N., Ricchezza, V. and Willis, S., 2020. Geoscience Videos and Animations: How to Make Them with Your Students, and How to Use Them in the Classroom. GSA Today.
- Wang, N., Geissman, J.W., Ferguson, J.F. and Stern, R.J., 2016. Magnetic fabric investigation of Permian and Triassic red beds, west Texas and western Wyoming: Evaluating the relative roles of pigment and specular hematite in red beds as magnetic fabric contributors (Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Dallas).
- N. Wang, L. Xi-Hua, M. Chang-Sheng, Y. Lei, 2010. Ideal Anisotropic Seismic Wave Filed Analysis and Numerical Simulation in Three-Dimensional Orientation: Global Geology (China), V.29, P.130-138.
Conference Abstracts:
- Stern, R.J., Wang, N., Walker, E.N., Creesy, K., Clowdus, Z., Sullivan, G., Willis, S. and Crowley, C.W., 2019. Community Engagement And AGU Celebrates 100 Years: The Role of Regional Videos Produced By Scientists And Students. AGUFM, 2019, pp.U33B-09.
- Wang, N. and Stern, R.J., Permian Basin Educational Video Design, Assessment, and Dissemination. In AAPG Southwest Section Annual Convention.
- Ning Wang and Robert J Stern, 2017. Using videography, 3D photorealistic models and an inexpensive drone to help improve geoscience research and education. South-Central Section – 51st Annual Meeting 2017 Abstract #289483 (Accepted).
- L. White, B. Aguilar, T. Savage, A. McKee, M. AlFarhan, N. Wang, C. Aiken, 2016. Drone Photogrammetry in Oklahoma. West Texas and Saudi Arabia and Comparisons of Results and Control Methods on Outcrops: AAPG Geosciences Technology Workshop ‘New Opportunities with Drones: New Needs’, FAA Rule Changes, New Technologies.
- R. Griffin, N. Wang, B. Bowers, R. J. Stern, 2015. Explosive volcanism hazard of earth’s tall volcanoes for aviation: GSA North-Central 46th meeting (abstract).