Arman is a past student at Global Magmatic and Tectonic Laboratory. Arman’s research focuses on carbonate metasomatism of mafic and ultramafic rocks. Carbonated peridotite is known as listvenite and usually is associated with the formation of gold deposits worldwide. Arman investigates the sources and compositions of carbonate-altered ophiolitic serpentinite rocks in Egypt and Iran. He uses stable and radiogenic isotopes to determine the source of CO2-rich fluids. Arman also investigates element mobility that occurred during carbonate alteration and explores the implications of these results for the formation of gold deposits in the region.
Publications and Conference Abstracts:
- Boskabadi, A., Pitcairn, I.K., Broman, C., Boyce, A., Teagle, D.A.H., Cooper, M.J., Azer, M.K., Stern, R.J., Mohamed, F.M., Majka, J., 2016, Carbonate alteration of ophiolitic rocks in the Arabian-Nubian Shield of Egypt: source and compositions of the carbonating fluid and implications for the formation of Au deposits: International Geology Review, v. 59, no. 4, p. 391-419.
- Boskabadi, A., Pitcairn, I.K., Stern, R.J., Azer, M.J., Broman, C., Mohamed, F.M., Majka, J., 2013, Carbonatite crystallization and alteration in the Tarr carbonatite–albitite complex, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, Precambrian Research, v. 239, p. 24-41, ISSN 0301-9268, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2013.09.001.
- Pitcairn, I., Boskabadi, A., Broman, C., Boyce, A., Teagle, D., Cooper, M., Azer, M., Mohamed, F., Stern, R., 2013. Regional carbonate alteration in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: isotopic evidence for a mantle-derived fluid source. Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 15, EGU2013-9967.
- Pitcairn, I., Boskabadi, A., Broman, C., Boyce, A., Teagle, D., Cooper, M., Azer, M., Mohamed, F., Stern, R., 2014. Regional carbonate alteration in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: Isotopic evidence, FME mobility, and fluid composition. Proceedings of the 31st Nordic Geological Winter Meeting Abstracts. Lund, Sweden, January 8-10. Geological Society of Sweden, p. 59.