This site provide general information about projects and contain links for further information. For more information contact Dr. Robert J. Stern or just visit us at ROC 1.201. Please join our facebook group “Global Magmatic and Tectonic Research Laboratory – U Texas at Dallas”.
UTD GeoScience Studios
UTD GeoScience Studio highlights the efforts of student animators and videographers to teach about the geosciences.
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Chenwei Li from Chengdu University visited GMTL from March 2019 until March 2020. His dissertation research focuses on high-Mg andesites in the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone of Tibet.
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In August 2017 Prof. Shiguo Wu (Head of Laboratory of Deep Sea Geophysics and Georesources at the Institute of Deep Sea Science and Engineering, Sanya, Hainan, China) visited GMTL to discuss possible collaborative research in the Mariana Trench.
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Prof. Julian Pearce is visiting UTD Geosciences for two months (early March-early May 2017). Julian is presently Professor Emeritus at Cardiff University in the UK. He is giving a course on ‘Geochemical Fingerprinting of Rocks and Minerals’. He is also be working with Bob Stern, Ning Wang, and Lochlan Vaughn to produce an video version of his course as the first step in creating a distance learning module.
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Shimin Li is visiting UTD Geosciences from China University of Geosciences Beijing. He will be stay here until December 2017 and he will be focusing on Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in Tibet. During his visit he wishes to finish two manuscripts about his recent work.