Analyzing Face Representations in Deep Neural Networks
Deep convolutional neural networks have changed the state of the art in machine-based face recognition. These algorithms are inspired by the ventral visual stream and rely on 10’s of millions of local non-linear computations, executed across cascaded layers of neural-like units. In our lab, we study the nature of the face representation that emerges from these computations. This compact representation can support recognition across wide variability in appearance and imaging condition.
Parde, C. J., Colón, Y. I., Castillo, C. D., Dhar, P. & O’Toole, A.J. (2020). Single unit status in deep convolutional neural network codes for faces. arXiv:2002.06274
Hill, M. Q., Parde, C. J., Castillo, C. D., Colon, Y. I., Ranjan, R., Chen, J. C., Blanz, V., & O’Toole, A. J. (2019) Deep convolutional neural networks in the face of caricature Nature Machine Intelligence, 1, 522-529.
Parde, C. J., Hu, Y., Castillo, C., Sankaranarayanan, S. & O’Toole, A.J. (2019). Social trait information in deep convolutional neural networks trained for face identification. Cognitive Science. 43 (6), e12729.
O’Toole, A. J., Castillo, C. D., Parde, C. Hill, M. Q., & Chellappa, R. (2018). Face space representations in deep convolutional neural networks. Trends in Cognitive Science, 22(9), 794-809.
Parde, C., Castillo, C., Hill, M. Q., Colon, Y. Chen J.C., Sankaranarayanan, S. & O’Toole, A. J. (2017). Face and image representation in Deep convolutional neural network features. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. pp 673-680.
Links to our other projects
Perception and Memory for Human Faces
Face Recognition Comparisons Between Humans and Machines
Perceptual Relationships Between Body Shape and Language
Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Person Recognition
Understanding the Performance of Forensic Facial Identification Experts
Functional Neuroimaging of High Level Visual Processing of Human Faces