Deep Networks for Body Identification using Shape and  Language

Common and important applications of person identification occur at distances and viewpoints in which the face is not visible or is not sufficiently resolved to be useful. We examine body shape as a biometric across distance and viewpoint variation. We propose an approach that combines standard object classification networks with representations based on linguistic (word-based) descriptions of bodies. Algorithms with and without linguistic training were compared on their ability to identify people from body shape in images captured across a large range of distances/views (close-range, 100m, 200m, 270m, 300m, 370m, 400m, 490m, 500m, 600m, and at elevated pitch in images taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle [UAV]). Accuracy, as measured by identity-match ranking and false accept errors in an open-set test, was surprisingly good. For identity-ranking, linguistic models were more accurate for close-range images, whereas non-linguistic models fared better at intermediary distances. Fusion of the linguistic and non-linguistic embeddings improved performance at all but the farthest distance. Although the non-linguistic model yielded fewer false accepts at most distances, fusion of the linguistic and non-linguistic models decreased false accepts for all but the UAV images. We conclude that linguistic and non-linguistic representations of body shape can offer complementary identity information for bodies that can improve identification in applications of interest.

Myers, B., Jaggernauth, L., Metz, T. M., Hill, M. Q., Gandi, V. N., Castillo, C. D., O’Toole, A. J. (2023, in press).  Recognizing People by Body Shape Using Deep Networks of Images and Words. Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics. (also available arXiv:2305.19160)

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Perception and Memory for Human Faces
Face Recognition Comparisons Between Humans and Machines
Functional Neuroimaging of High Level Visual Processing of Human Faces
Analyzing Face Recognition Algorithms
Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Person Recognition
Understanding the Performance of Forensic Facial Identification Experts