Current Studies
1) Adolescent Social Media Study: Want to know how your child is interacting with social media content in the brain?
We are looking for teens between ages 13-15 to participate in a study! Participants will be reimbursed up to $60.
**Interested participants should complete this survey:
2) Adolescent Friendship Study: Do you or your child qualify for a study that looks at social processing in the brain and friendships?
We are looking for children, teens, and young adults ages 10-20 to participate with a close friend! You and your friend will come into the lab to play some computer games, while wearing an EEG net on your head to record brain activity. You also will answer some questions.
You and your friend could be each be reimbursed $50 for participating.
**Interested participants: To see if you are eligible, parents and young adults can fill out this survey: