
June 2024

Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Milad Almasian for winning the first place poster award in Harrington symposium on optical methods in bio-imaging at The University of Texas at Austin.

April 2024

Ph.D. student Xinyuan Zhang shared his research titled “Volumetric light-sheet imaging of in vivo beating hearts” with Bioengineering students and faculty.

April 2024

Congratulation to Dr. Ding to be a member of the Early Career Editorial Board for ATVB 2024-2026!

March 2024

We are thrilled to announce the publication of our protocol in the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). This protocol utilizes light-sheet imaging to investigate cardiac contractile structure in rodent hearts.

March 2024

Ph.D. student Milad Almasian shared his research titled “3D Light-Sheet Imaging Reveals Cardiac Structure” with Bioengineering students and faculty.

March 2024

Congratulations to our undergrad student Alexander Medina for winning the JSUGRA (Jonsson School Undergraduate Research Award) award in our Jonsson School!

March 2024

Our Ph.D. student Alireza Saberigarakhani published his research in Proceedings SPIE. His research is about “Light-field Microscopy to Study Cardiac Arrhythmias in Zebrafish Larvae.

March 2024

Congratulations to our undergrad student Jichen Chai for winning the BE STAR award!

February 2024

Our Ph.D. student Milad Almasian presented his research in SPIE Photonic West in San Fransisco. His presentation is about “3D Isotropic Light-sheet Imaging to Reveal the Structure of Mouse Heart.

February 2024

Our Ph.D. student Alireza Saberigarakhani presented his research in SPIE Photonic West in San Fransisco. His presentation is about “Light-field Microscopy to Study Cardiac Arrhythmias in Zebrafish Larvae.

January 2024

We are thrilled to announce the publication of our protocol in the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). This protocol utilizes light-sheet imaging to investigate cardiac contractile function in zebrafish larvae and gain insights into cardiac mechanics through cell tracking and interactive analysis.

December 2023

Ding's group wishes you happy holidays. Happy New Year 2024

December 2023

Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Milad Almasian for winning the UT Dallas Bioengineering Convergence Grant to support his dissertation research on “Light-sheet imaging to reveal distinct regenerating cardiomyocytes in neonatal mouse hearts”!

October 2023

Congratulations to Milad Almasian, selected as the Top 20 Poster in the 2023 Research Poster Competition. He is a Ph.D. student in the D-Incubator lab, and his winning research is “Multi-Scale 3D Isotropic Resolution Light Sheet Imaging to Elucidate Cardiac Structure

October 2023

Congratulations to Alireza Saberigarakani, selected as the Top 20 Poster in the 2023 Research Poster Competition. He is a Ph.D. student in the D-Incubator lab, and his winning research is “Light-Field Microscopy to Study Cardiac Arrhythmias in Zebrafish Larvae

October 2023

We are thrilled to announce our team member, Sohail Hassan participated in the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Conference held in Seattle on Oct 11, 2023. Sohail presented research on “Virtual Reality for Analysis of Volumetric and Dynamic Imaging Data.

July 2023

We are pleased to announce the participation of Xinyuan Zhang and Milad Almasian from our team in the American Heart Association International Conference held in Boston on July 31st, 2023. Xinyuan presented research on “Multi-scale Imaging and Analysis to Elucidate Cardiac Structure And Contractile Function.”

Congratulations to Vinay!

Congratulations, Vinay, on successfully defending your thesis! Your hard work and commitment have paid off, and this accomplishment is a testament to your knowledge and dedication. Well done, and best wishes for a bright future ahead!

June 2023

We are thrilled to announce the publication of our paper in cardiovascular research, which introduces an imaging technique light-sheet fluorescence microscopy. LSFM enables real-time tracking of individual cardiomyocytes and analysis of contractile function. This approach, combined with retrospective synchronization, single cell tracking, and VR analysis, allows for comprehensive 4D investigation of the atrium and ventricle at a cellular level.

June 2023

Alina and Maxwell have recently joined our lab for summer 2023, and we are delighted to welcome them as valuable additions to our team.

May 2023

We are thrilled to extend our warmest congratulations to Sohail for being awarded the prestigious Fall 2023 BE Researcher. Sohail’s outstanding contributions and dedication to their research demonstrate exceptional talent and a commitment to excellence. This achievement is well-deserved, and we are proud to have Sohail as a valuable member of our lab.

May 2023

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Brian for successfully graduating from the University of Texas at Dallas, marking a significant milestone in his academic journey.

March 2023

New paper on extended reality in biomedicine explores how virtual and augmented reality could revolutionize medical education and patient care. It discusses immersive experiences for simulating surgeries, training, and visualizing complex anatomy. Also, potential benefits for patient care like reduced anxiety during procedures, remote consultations, and rehabilitation. Exciting possibilities for the future of healthcare.

A new Ph.D. student Alireza Saberi joined our lab in the Spring 2023.
Welcome Alireza! 
January 2023

Annual celebratory dinner with D-incubator’s lab members.

Ding's group wishes you happy holidays. Happy New Year 2023

Congratulations to Milad Almasian, receiving the best graduate student poster award – First place at the Recent Inaugural Workshop on Imaging and Data Science. He is a Ph.D. student in the D-Incubator lab, and his winning research is “Light Sheet Imaging to Reveal the Structure of Embryonic and Neonatal Mouse Heart”

Congratulations to Xinyuan Zhang, receiving the best graduate student poster award – third place at the Recent Inaugural Workshop on Imaging and Data Science. He is a Ph.D. student in the D-Incubator lab, and his winning research is “A Time-Efficient Interactive Study of Cardiac Activities With 4D Light Sheet Microscopy”

We are excited to have creative young minds working together in DFW. Looking forward to new adventures with YOU!

Congratulations, Sohail!
Mr. Sohail S. Hassan is a B.S. student in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Texas at Dallas. He was awarded an undergraduate research scholarship through the Office of Undergraduate Research Scholar Awards (URSA) and presented his poster at the University of Texas at Dallas URSA poster conference.

Utilizing virtual reality (VR) to interact with CT images of the cardiopulmonary system in a 3-D immersive environment.

Virtual Reality for Interactive Medical Analysis

Demonstration of a user walking through the pulmonary environment
Performance of manipulations and operations on the cardiac model