20 Years In 20 Minutes

The innovative program called the Eisemann Edge Endowment Fund gives Richardson residents, local students, and the North Texas community opportunities to explore technology’s intersection with the visual and performing arts. The fund also supports transformative, project-based learning experiences for ATEC students, engaging art and technology at the highest level.

Eisemann Initiative II: The Eisemann Immersive Anniversary collaborates with The City of Richardson and the Charles W. Eisemann Center for the Performing Arts and The School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication (ATEC) at the University of Texas at Dallas.

The proposed project continues the ATEC LightSquad’s use of projection mapping as a tool for narrative storytelling. Students will work closely with center representatives to create the curated content that tells the twenty-year history of the center and its impact on the North Dallas community. The “Intentional Future Making” project for Leadership Richardson and “The Technicolor Experience” for the Plano Arts Fest provide examples of projects that employ projection mappings that center Art and Culture to provide a Chamber of Commerce experience for a signature event. The “Immersive Anniversary” builds on these past projects and creates a platform for a new form of cultural expression.

The ATEC LightSquad builds shows. The shows combine narrative visual content with digital fabrication, projection mapping, and the control systems that manage their interaction and delivery. The “Immersive Anniversary” combines formal and structural elements from the LightSquad’s “Agape Meditation” at the Cara Mia Theatre and the “Immersive Van Gogh” experience. Each show, designed for a limited audience with pre-determined durations, permits scheduled audience engagements. The proposed installation will run as a twenty-minute program. In the Cara Mia wall transformation was achieved using a two-projector blend. The Immersive Van Gogh show employs an expanded matrix of projectors to activate the vertical walls. The example above shows one of the smaller rooms during the Dallas installation. This particular installation mirrors the proportions of Bank America Hall. Like this installation, the primary goal is to activate the vertical wall surfaces.

Students have enrolled in ATCM 3395 and 6395, Topics in Art and Technology during the current fall semester. This unique project-based class is devoted to producing the Immersive Anniversary event for the center. During the fall, emphasis centers on content development. Control system design and preliminary testing will also occur concurrently. During the Spring and Summer, emphasis shift toward activities and system design associated with the production and presentation of the show.